My Angels Gave Me Wings Again!


I used to be a little bird

Happily singing and flying.

Silver nights and days were gold

You could never find me crying.

I aimed the sky, I dreamt of soaring high

I guessed I had the strongest wings to fly.

I saw a sparkling star one fateful night

I got fascinated and lost my sight.

I forgot my aim I forgot to soar high

I forgot I had the strongest wings to fly.

Gloomy days and darkened nights

No hope of any sunshine.

I lived as if I was already dead

Only a miracle could be of any help.

Tardily, a few rays entered my room

They gave me the courage to come out of the gloom.

Their soothing touch and Angel like faces

Reminded me of my golden ages.

They gave me new wings and strength to fly

They told me my limit was beyond the sky.

I’m singing again and flying again

Coz my angels gave me wings again!

Kruthi Desai
Empowerment Coach

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