Regenerative Textile Industry: Moving Towards a Circular Fashion Economy


Image Source: Business World

The textile industry has long been associated with waste and pollution, leaving a detrimental impact on the environment. However, a new regenerative system in the industry is aiming to change that. This system is about adding more to the environment than what is taken from it, and shifting towards models that rehabilitate the environment and support communities.

According to Pearl Uppal, Creative Head and Founder of Talking Threads, sustainability should be at the core of the circular fashion economy. She shared her experience in repurposing clothes and emphasized that companies must be aware of their upstream supply chain and share this information internally and internationally.

The circular fashion economy can play a critical role in reducing waste and promoting sustainability in the textile sector, especially in developing nations’ economies. The current linear fashion processes, which follow a straight path from design to disposal, resulting in 2.1 billion tonnes of carbon emissions annually and 92 million tonnes of textile trash.

As consumers, we have the power to make conscious choices that can positively impact the environment. By supporting regenerative and circular fashion practices, we can help to create a more sustainable future.

Staff Reporter

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