Sometimes Second chance is better than a First


Dreams (big or small) do come true. You just have to persevere and pursue. 

Returning to Trivandrum after 30 years in Hong Kong in the education field, I had spare time on my hands; especially with the two-year-long lockdown and pandemic-related restrictions. 

Inspired by a young girl next door, I started to paint bottles. Eventually, I had so many that I did not know what to do with them. I had run out of storage space. I dreamt of being a part of the exhibition circuit in Trivandrum, but never managed to get a breakthrough. Despite expressing interest with various sources, nothing happened. Then the lovely @Deepa Sujith came along and asked in Her Trivandrum (a Facebook group) if anyone was interested in joining an exhibition “Symphony Rainbow” organized by her. I jumped at the opportunity and gave in my name. All was going well, the pandemic had slowed, the economy was opening, the date was set for May 2021, the room was booked, payments were made and I was so excited. Finally, I thought I had a breakthrough. 

Unfortunately, the pandemic took a turn for the worse and everything was shut down again. I was so disappointed. A year later, after things had eased, the lovely @Deepa Sujith contacted me again and said that there was one slot left in the art exhibition she was organizing and whether I would like to take it up. I was thrilled and confirmed my participation. 

Fortunately, all went well, the exhibition was held as scheduled this time around, and what an experience it was! I saw the amount of support and goodwill I had in Trivandrum. The sale was a big success. Now I’m looking forward to the next one which is expected to happen soon. 

Another dream was “publishing a book”. It was something I never thought of before because I was so busy with my career in Hong Kong. But, upon returning to Trivandrum and the ensuing lockdown, I started writing. I published the first book in a limited way because of the pandemic and other personal issues and I did not know what else had to be done. But, I had my eyes and ears open. Read about “Book Release”. I dreamt of having one for my second book, “To Love & Cherish” just for fun. 

The date for the book release was set and everything was organized and the pandemic played its hand again! My husband got COVID-19 and the book launch had to be postponed. I was hugely disappointed again but did not give up. I went back to the drawing board and re-planned the whole thing for a date one month later. And it happened on 10th July. And what a party it was! It was a roaring success. The euphoria I felt was unimaginable.

So, take your second chances. Sometimes it is better than the first!
-Sabita Pillay

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