5 Key Actions for Combating Climate Change

Image courtesy: vitalsigns

In our current climate crisis, it’s essential to focus on impactful actions rather than sweating the small stuff. To tackle the world’s biggest sources of emissions in the U.S., consider these five major steps:

  1. Exercise Your Voting Power: Support candidates who champion meaningful climate policies. The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, targeting a 40% emissions reduction by 2030, became a reality thanks to pro-climate officials. Encourage friends and family to vote with the environment in mind.
  2. Eco-Friendly Travel: Transportation is the largest U.S. emissions source. Advocate for policies like vehicle emissions standards, and personally opt for eco-friendly modes like walking, biking, buses, trains, or electric vehicles. Minimize air travel and choose direct flights to reduce your carbon footprint.
  3. Embrace Renewable Energy: Fossil fuel power plants are the second-largest emissions contributor. Over 50% of U.S. electric consumers can switch to clean energy via their utilities. Many states offer “community solar” options. The federal Inflation Reduction Act provides a 30% tax credit for personal solar installations, saving around 4.5 tons of carbon annually per household.
  4. Enhance Energy Efficiency: Upgrade your home or business with energy-efficient heating, cooling systems, water heaters, and improved insulation. Even renters can explore options like window unit heat pumps. Encourage landlords to invest in energy-saving upgrades, benefiting property value and the environment.
  5. Reduce Food Waste: In the U.S., over a third of food produced goes to waste, significantly impacting climate change. Combat this by planning meals, consuming leftovers, sharing unused items through community initiatives, joining local food rescue organizations, and supporting food waste reduction legislation.

By focusing on these five significant actions, we can collectively combat climate change effectively.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The vitalsigns