Image Source: Women Working

Laughter is a complex emotion that serves many purposes in our lives. It is a form of emotion and every emotion has its purpose. Laughter is healing. It can be a way of expressing joy and happiness, but it can also be a form of catharsis, helping us to process difficult emotions and experiences.

While we often associate laughter with humor, it is much more than just a response to something funny. In fact, laughter can help us to understand and experience reality in a more profound way. One of the unique qualities of laughter is its ability to help us process emotions that might otherwise be overwhelming. It can help us understand and experience reality and serve as a form of catharsis.

When I laugh it is not always connected to joy. There are moments where I’ve found myself laughing when I should be crying. In those moments of sorrow, I find myself laughing to work through my feelings, then transitioning that to tears as a way to process my emotions. It is an instinctual response from my mind and body. In times of sorrow or distress, laughter can provide a temporary reprieve from our pain. It allows us to release tension and connect with others in a way that is both authentic and vulnerable.

Laughter is also a powerful tool for understanding the world around us and a way of understanding stimulation. Laughter is a way to help people see the truth. Comedians use satire to bring awareness to critical issues around the world.

Laughter allows us to bear the ridiculousness of life and the chaos of existence. It can be a way of questioning our assumptions and challenging the status quo. By exposing the absurdities and inconsistencies of the world, laughter can help us to see the truth in a way that is both entertaining and enlightening.

Life is often unpredictable and challenging, and laughter can help us to bear the weight of our experiences. It allows us to find joy and meaning in even the most difficult situations, and it can help us to connect with others in a way that is both genuine and empathetic.

She writer Neelofer Hilal is a passionate freelance writer, avid traveler, podcaster, futurist, dreamer, and social science enthusiast

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