Savita Punia, Indian hockey captain, sees a positive and significant transformation in the country’s field hockey

Image source – Republic

India’s captain Savita Punia has stated that hockey has undergone a positive transformation in India. She believes that the changes that have taken place have contributed significantly to the growth of the sport in the country. India’s recent success in field hockey has made it more popular among the younger generation, and the sport is no longer limited to a small section of society.

According to Punia, one of the primary reasons for this transformation is the increased support and facilities provided to the players. The government has provided better infrastructure, improved training facilities, and more financial support to players. This has enabled the players to focus on their game and achieve their goals.

Punia also mentioned the impact of the Hockey India League (HIL) in raising the profile of the sport in the country. The league, which ran for five seasons between 2013 and 2017, brought together top international players and Indian talent, providing exposure to local players and raising the level of the game in the country.

Another significant factor is the growing interest in the sport among the media and the public. With more coverage of hockey in the news and social media, people are becoming more aware of the game and its players.

Punia also highlighted the role of women in the sport and the progress they have made. She believes that more and more young girls are taking up hockey, and the sport is becoming more inclusive.

RE-reported from the story originally published in  Republic

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