Pressure mounts on Senator Dianne Feinstein to resign due to health concerns


The New York Times Editorial Board has called for the resignation of California Senator Dianne Feinstein due to her prolonged absence from the Senate chamber over the last two months. The editorial board has also asked Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, to increase public pressure on her to step down. The board emphasized that if Feinstein cannot perform her duties to the Senate and her constituents, she should resign and turn over her responsibilities to an appointed successor. The editors also argued that Schumer and other democratic senators should make it clear to her and the public how important it is that she does so.

Feinstein recently announced her retirement and that she would not seek re-election in 2024. However, the senator has said she wants to come back to the Senate, which puts Schumer in a difficult position. democrats have also called for her resignation. Representative Ro Khanna of California tweeted that it was time for Feinstein to resign, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York also called for the senator’s resignation.

The editorial board argued that vital legislation and judicial nominations are hanging on a knife’s edge, and democrats need to apply public pressure on Feinstein to return or resign. They added that Senate seats were not “lifetime sinecures,” and members who cannot effectively represent their constituents or work for the benefit of their country should turn the job over to someone who can.