How Can One Simple Change in Your Daily Routine Make You an Eco-Warrior?

Image Credit: Meteored

An astronaut once said that looking at the Earth from space made them believe in God. Seeing a tiny ball surrounded by a thin layer of air that holds all life is astonishing. How it stays there, what makes it stick and not fall off into the universe, is unbelievable. I was amazed. What an observation!

The pandemic taught us that we are replaceable. There was Earth before humans, and it will be there long after we are gone. Therefore, we should be grateful for our time on this beautiful planet.

Experts believe that humans have caused immense damage to the Earth. Despite large-scale efforts, it is still impossible to address everything that needs to be done. Therefore, it is up to each of us. Every human being must become a warrior in this race against time.

On a personal level, there are things that I have been doing for years with some new additions as per the requirements.

1. No disposables, not even paper ones. To make paper disposables sturdy, a layer of plastic is often used. Instead, carry your own cutlery. Take a napkin and keep a plate, spoon, and a steel glass or cup in it. After use, wrap them in the napkin again and wash them later for reuse. It may sound troublesome at first, but trust me, once you get used to it, you will never want to eat on plates that someone else has used. It’s more hygienic and environmentally friendly.

2. Donate milk packets and seeds. I always thoroughly wash the empty milk packets inside and out, dry them, and collect them before sending them to my local nursery. I also wash and dry mango seeds and send them as well. These are some things I learned from my mother and teach my kids too.

3. No leftovers. To ensure everything on the plate is finished, I always give my child slightly less than what makes him full. This way, he learns to finish his food without any pressure, keeping him light and active.

4. No to showers. Initially, it was difficult for my kids because they loved taking shower baths. However, as we learned more about water conservation and the environmental impact of long showers, we decided to reduce our water usage. There has been a commendable shift in their behavior. This made me proud and assured me that I was on the right path.

5. Embrace greenery. Create your own green space. There are many ways, such as a terrace garden or a vertical garden. If you find it bothersome, start with one low-maintenance plant. Trust me, it will change your life. You don’t need any fancy equipment; your good old cutlery will do the trick. Try it.

6. Planting trees on highways. This is a new addition to my efforts. Next time I go on a road trip, I am going to take a few saplings with me and plant them along the way.

And lastly, no complaining and cribbing about climate change. We must always remember that our time on this planet is limited. Everything has a shelf life, and so do we. Enjoy the time that is left. Our dear earth needs many heroes. It is our time to be one. Each of us has the potential to make a positive impact, no matter how small our actions may seem. By making conscious choices, spreading awareness, and taking action, we can contribute to a healthier, more sustainable world for future generations. Enjoy the journey, appreciate the present, and be the hero that our planet desperately needs.

Nidhi Raj is an independent writing professional, storyteller, and mother with a keen interest in women’s issues and International Relations.