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This transit result is based on the Moon sign, which is the zodiac sign where the Moon was located at the time of a person’s birth. If your Dasha and Antardasha (the ruling planet’s period) are auspicious, this transit will become even more favorable for you. However, if the Dasha and Antardasha are influenced by an inauspicious planet, the positive effects may be slightly reduced. If you do not know your Moon sign, you can refer to your horoscope based on the first letter of your name.

ARIES: (Ch, Che, Cho, La, Li, Le, Lo and A) 

This month has positive aspects, and you will have the upper hand in most situations. However, the second half may bring a lack of support in your job. In the case of partnerships, be cautious. Finances will not be a concern throughout the month, and any money that was stuck will be returned to you. Health, however, is an area that needs attention. A healthy diet will resolve most issues. Personal relationships will also require focus in the second half of the month. Differences of opinion should be addressed through calm and soft communication, though the first half of the month will be smooth.

TAURUS: (Ei, U, O, Li, Vi, Ve, Va and Vo)   

The month begins with some anxiety and indecisiveness about what to do or not to do. You will need to set clear priorities at work. In business, competitors will be active, so you should approach projects with a vigilant and open mindset. Despite an inflow of money, you may struggle to control unnecessary and unwanted expenses. Some financial arrangements will also be necessary. Health is another area that requires your attention, and keeping your temper in check may be challenging. Relationships, particularly with your spouse or beloved, will also need focus. The interference of a third party could make resolving issues more difficult.

GEMINI: (K, Ki, Kee, Gh, Ch, Ke, KO) 

You will need to consolidate yourself this month. The lack of desired support may disturb your peace of mind; however, if you are considering a change, taking the initiative will yield motivating results. Excessive expenditure might become an issue, and some past savings could be affected. Health will generally not be a concern, except for potential liver issues and digestion problems for a few days. If you already suffer from acidity, do not ignore it. Personal relationships will require attention. Avoid being reactive, as misunderstandings on the personal front may trouble you.

CANCER: (He, Hu, He, Ho, Da, De, Dee, Do)  

This month may not be as favorable as you expect. Changes in the situation and lower-than-expected results may frustrate you. However, if you’re in business, you can anticipate positive changes compared to previous circumstances. Managing finances may prove difficult despite a good inflow, and savings may fall short of your expectations. An unexpected gain could occur in the last week of the month. Health will require significant attention, with the second quarter being particularly challenging. Be cautious while driving and ensure proper vehicle maintenance. A lack of support from family may cause considerable distress this month. The second half will be more difficult for maintaining peace of mind, especially in relationships.

LEO (M, Me, Mi, Ma, Mo, T, Ti, Tee, Ta)   

This month will have both positive and negative aspects on the work front. You may plan to make a change from your current organization, and this will likely be possible in the second half when you initiate the process. Your financial position will be stable, and you might make a significant investment with future gains in mind after October 14th. Health will generally be fine, though some tiredness may occur, and proper rest will be important. You will need to put in effort to maintain cordial relationships. Sometimes, small compromises can lead to big positives, and this should be your mantra for relationships this month.

VIRGO : (To, P, Pe, Pi, Th, Pe, Pee, Po) 

This month is about making plans and executing them at work, which will bring you appreciation. However, it’s important not to rely blindly on anyone. In business, be sure not to delegate too much responsibility to others. Finances will be strong, and resources may increase if you’re in business. An unexpected new source of income might also develop. Health will be generally fine, but take care to avoid long gaps between meals. Relationships will be a major concern this month, as some differences may arise and will be difficult to resolve. Be cautious not to let these issues escalate.

LIBRA: (R, Ri, Ro, Ho, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta)  

This month has a lot in store for you, and you can expect appreciation for your execution skills. However, in business, one of your decisions may prove to be wrong, so be cautious when making decisions after October 9th. You will focus on improving your financial status and may explore new sources of income. Some expenditure is likely for charitable purposes this month. Health will generally be fine, although you may feel tired due to excessive travel. Family relationships will be harmonious, and the same applies to your spouse or partner. You will enjoy some get-togethers with them this month.

SCORPIO: (To, N, Ne, Ni, No, Ya, Yee, Yu)   

This month is decisive for achieving results from past efforts. A job change or relocation may occur. Those seeking employment can expect a good offer. In business, some major decisions will be executed, though there may be obstacles. The first half of the month will be favorable financially, but the second half requires careful handling of finances. Health needs attention, so be cautious with vehicle speed and take care while traveling. Relationships will be a focus this month, as you may face ups and downs. At times, you might feel isolated from others.

SAGITTARIUS: (Ya, Yo, B, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Dha, Fa/Pha, Dha)   

You are blessed by the planets this month. Appreciation for your work will be a significant achievement in your job. In business, you may make a bold decision. Your income is likely to increase, and expenses on gifts and household gadgets are expected. Health will generally be fine, but you should monitor your food intake, as weight gain could lead to health issues. Be mindful and incorporate regular exercise. Personal relationships may experience ups and downs, and a difference of opinion with your spouse could disrupt harmony and affect your mood for a few days.

CAPRICORN: (Bho, J, Ji/Jee, Khi/Khee, Khe, Kho, G, Gi/Gee)   

The month begins with a positive change, and support from all around will make you feel confident and energetic. In business, a major opportunity will arise in the second half of the month. Finances will improve in the second half, while the first half may require caution in making financial decisions. Avoid spicy food to maintain good health this month. Concerns about weight may worry you, prompting a focus on losing it. While relationships may experience ups and downs, most will remain harmonious. The health of your spouse or relationship harmony may become a concern after October 20th.

AQUARIUS: (Gu, Gae, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Sai, So, D)

The month brings some stress right from the start. There may be a job change, or misunderstandings with superiors could become a major concern. In business, it’s advisable to avoid taking risks or executing expansion plans. Finances will be another key area to focus on, as a systematic plan may be lacking and unexpected expenditures could disrupt your budget. Health will also be average this month; be cautious while driving or climbing heights to avoid minor injuries. You will need to make an effort to maintain good relationships with both your family and your partner.

PISCES: (Dee, Du, Th, Jh, Da, Dai, Cha, Chee)

The situation will move in the right direction as you desire this month. In business, there may be some differences with colleagues at work. You might also face delays in your plans for expansion or new partnerships. Financial improvement is expected in business, and stability will be maintained if you’re in a job. A past investment will show a profit. Health will generally be fine, though you may experience some emotional mood swings. Relationships will require attention, as harmony may not always be maintained.

     –Dr. Suman Sachdev is a certified Astrology and Vastu Consultant and has extensive experience in crafting horoscopes for renowned publications. Email