Can It Be Discovered, The Exact Reason?

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Recently we have seen Will Smith in the limelight for assaulting Chris Rock during the Academy Award ceremony when he targeted Will’s Wife for his joke, along with the look on her face and Will got furious. This is what the result of unresolved trauma looks like.

“What is trauma? What causes trauma? What are the signs of a person suffering from trauma? Is there any medication or treatment?” And so many questions like these are circulating in our minds. 

What is trauma?

Trauma is the response to a horrifying event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. It can result in emotional, physical, and psychological harm. Not everyone who experiences a stressful event will develop trauma. 

What causes trauma?

Some common sources that cause trauma include:

• Rape

• Domestic violence 

• Natural disasters 

• Bullied in school 

• The death of a loved one 

• Being kidnapped 

• Serious illness 

Types of trauma: Acute, Chronic, or Complex 

• Acute trauma results from a single incident. 

• Chronic trauma is repeated and prolonged such as domestic violence or abuse. 

• Complex trauma is a result of multiple traumatic events. 

Signs to identify a person suffering from trauma:

• Not responding to a conversation, anxiety, mood swings, Irritability. 

• Emotional symptoms- Sudden denial, anger, sadness, and emotional outbursts.

• Physical symptoms- Poor concentration, paleness, fatigue, racing heartbeat. 

Trauma Medication, test or self Assessment.

While there are online assessments available for trauma, a professional assessment is recommended over self-assessment. Unlike some other mental disorders, it can be treated through the use of certain medications and drug options will depend on the individual’s psychological and medical history as well as the severity of the symptoms. 

In the case of Will Smith, as he clearly mentioned in his autobiography that he witnessed physical violence at home as a child. But the cause of the accident at the Award ceremony is yet to be ascertained as post-traumatic disorder or anger.

  • Ruchi Sachan