Nothing sweeps us off our feet like a health policy valentine. Readers showed their love this season, writing poetic lines about surprise medical bills, bird flu, the cost of health care, and more. 

Here are some of our favorites, starting with the grand prize winner, whose entry was turned into a cartoon by staff illustrator Oona Zenda. 

1st Place

A five-panel comic. The first panel reads, “Roses are red; our system is flawed. Surprise bills and denials leave us all feeling awed.” It shows a cartoon drawing of a woman pulling a sheet of paper from a bouquet of roses and saying “What,” a look of consternation on her face. The second panel reads, “They promise us care, yet profits come first, leaving patients to suffer and wallets to burst.” Below the text is a drawing of the same woman attempting to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy, but there is no money in her wallet. The third panel reads, “But know that voices stand by your side — doctors and advocates who won’t let this slide!” The cartoon shows an advocate on the left holding a sheet of paper that says, “Bill too high!” and a doctor on the right holding a sheet of paper that says, “Cover that Rx!” The comic’s main character smiles up at them both. The fourth panel reads, “Love should mean coverage that’s honest and kind, not loopholes and jargon designed to blind.” Below, a pair of hands hold health care-themed heart candies. The last panel reads, “This Valentine’s Day, let’s champion care and demand a system that’s honest and fair.” The drawing below shows two hands holding a bandaged heart.


What to make for my valentine?
Maybe a cake on which we can dine!
But raw milk and flu-ish eggs won’t do.
Perhaps some fluoridated water in lieu?

– Holly Ainsworth 

Other Newsroom Favorites 

Measles are red.
Chickenpox is too.
Let’s stick with vaccines
And fight covid and flu.

– Arielle Levin Becker 

The donut hole is closed, my dear;
Our Part D costs are capped.
Let’s hope our love survives alongside
The Inflation Reduction Act. 

– Brandy Bauer 

My love for you is like health care as a percentage of GDP. It grows larger every year.

– David Schleifer