Ancient Human Remains Unearthed Near Ulster Canal

Historic Skull Found Near Ulster Canal

The remains found near the Ulster Canal marina in Clones are thought to be historical in nature.

A historical human skull was found near the Ulster Canal in Clones, County Monaghan, sparking interest and leading to an official investigation. The discovery occurred on Sunday evening when local authorities were notified by Seány McCleary, a resident of the nearby village of Glaslough.

McCleary, who was spending time with his family at the marina, noticed something unusual. “The area was bustling with kayakers and boats, and there it was, just a few feet from us on the bank, while we were on the walkway,” he explained to BBC News NI.

Following the find, the skull was promptly taken for forensic examination to uncover more about its age and origins.

Re-reported from the article originally published in BBC.