Answer ‘always’ to these 8 questions? You’re mentally strong

Image credit: CNBC make it

Mental Strength: Key Traits and Self-Assessment

Mental strength is the capacity to regulate your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors productively, even in challenging situations. It’s about managing your internal state to function better externally.

We all know that self-regulation is essential for success in both work and life, but it’s often challenging to practice. After 30 years of studying mental strength, especially among leaders, I’ve developed a Mental Strength Self-Assessment to help you gauge where you stand and identify areas for improvement.

Here’s a mini-assessment: If you answer “always” to these eight questions, you’re likely mentally stronger than most.

  1. Are you resilient in the face of setbacks? Mentally strong individuals see opportunities in adversity rather than threats. They don’t get stuck in unproductive emotional reactions. Instead, they focus on moving forward and finding solutions.
  2. Do you perform well under pressure? Your mindset under stress is crucial. Mentally strong people view stressors as challenges, not threats, which helps them maintain focus, control emotions, and perform better.
  3. Do you avoid approval-seeking behavior? Mentally strong people pursue authenticity over approval. They understand that seeking approval can undermine confidence and create false comfort. Instead, they act confidently, as if they already have approval.
  4. Do you avoid comparing yourself to others? Comparisons often highlight your weaknesses against others’ strengths. Mentally strong people compare themselves only to who they were yesterday, focusing on personal growth rather than external validation.
  5. How often do you challenge the status quo? Boldness leads to growth. Mentally strong people take risks, embrace change, and replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones, like believing in their ability to succeed.
  6. Are you able to manage your negative emotions in the moment they arise? Mentally strong individuals don’t let negative emotions take over. They create distance from intense emotions, name what they’re feeling, and reassess the situation logically to take productive actions.
  7. How often would you (or others) say you’re decisive? Indecision can be damaging, especially in leadership. Mentally strong people are decisive, understanding the costs of indecision and making tough calls when necessary.
  8. How often do you hold yourself accountable? Accountability is crucial. Mentally strong people regularly self-reflect, ask tough questions, and take responsibility for their actions, making progress instead of excuses.

Even if you can’t answer “always” to all these questions now, you can develop mental strength with the right mindset and tools.

About the Author Scott Mautz is a renowned speaker, trainer, and LinkedIn Learning instructor, and a former senior executive at Procter & Gamble. He authored “The Mentally Strong Leader: Build the Habits to Productively Regulate Your Emotions, Thoughts, and Behaviors.” Follow him on LinkedIn.

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Re-reported from the article originally published in CNBC make it.

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