In every career journey, setbacks and challenges are inevitable. But with the right mindset and support, setbacks can be transformed into powerful learning experiences. In this “Ask the Mentor” segment, we’ll discuss how to navigate these difficult moments and turn them into opportunities for progress.

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  1. I’m unsure whether to stay in my current industry or leap into something new. Can you offer advice on how to decide? Merlin

When deciding whether to stay in your current industry or move into a new one, start by thinking about what you enjoy in your current role. Are there aspects that still motivate you, or do you feel ready for something different? To explore a new field, you could try side projects, build relevant skills, or even take a course to see if it suits you. For example, I once enrolled in a course to see if a new industry resonated with me before making the leap.

It’s also important to consider your financial situation—can you afford the risk of starting over? Think about whether you’re prepared to learn new skills and adapt to a fresh environment. Having a strong support system, like family or friends, can also be valuable.

If you find yourself drawn to a new direction, and you have the means and the desire to grow, then taking the leap may lead to a more fulfilling career. With careful planning, it can open up new opportunities for both personal and professional development.

2. How can I stay true to myself when professional demands seem overwhelming? I often feel like I’m losing touch with my personal values. – Jaya

When professional demands start to feel overwhelming, grounding yourself in your core values can help you regain focus. Setting aside regular time for reflection is a good way to check if your actions are aligning with what truly matters to you. Ask yourself if the decisions you’re making reflect the principles you hold dear, or if you’re being pulled off course by external pressures.

I remember, I once created a values-based decision-making checklist, which helped me stay centered during high-stress periods at work. It allowed me to pause, reflect, and ensure that the choices I made were in line with my long-term goals and personal values.

Keeping a journal can also be a powerful tool for staying grounded. Writing down your thoughts helps clarify what’s important to you and can offer perspective when things feel chaotic. By regularly reviewing your values and making decisions with them in mind, you’ll find it easier to stay on your true path, even when the pressure mounts.

3. When work starts feeling repetitive, how can I stay creative and motivated? I’m struggling with finding inspiration in routine tasks. -Kezia

To stay creative during routine tasks, introducing small changes can make a big difference. Try approaching your tasks in a new way or set creative challenges for yourself. I remember taking a boring reporting task and giving it a fun twist with a new format. It was a small change, but it totally reignited my interest and made the whole thing way more enjoyable.

Another way to keep things fresh is by seeking role growth. Taking on new responsibilities within your current role can add variety and keep you motivated. This could be as simple as leading a new project or finding ways to contribute beyond your regular duties.

It also helps to revisit your methods. Reflect on how you do your work and look for ways to improve or streamline your processes. Finding more efficient or creative ways to accomplish tasks can boost both your productivity and your enthusiasm. These small changes can make even the most routine work feel more inspiring and fulfilling.

4. How do you bounce back from setbacks, especially when it feels like everything you’ve worked for is falling apart? I’m struggling to stay motivated after a recent failure. – Maria

Bouncing back from setbacks starts with changing how you see things. Instead of focusing on the failure, try to see it as a chance to learn and grow. I saw this with a colleague who, after a big project failed, reached out for support, figured out what skills she needed to improve, and turned the experience into a step toward future success.

Resilience is key when facing challenges. It’s important to approach setbacks with a growth mindset—ask yourself what lessons you can take from the experience, rather than letting it overwhelm you. This way, each setback becomes a chance to improve and adapt.

It’s also vital to remember that you don’t have to handle everything on your own. Seek support when needed, whether from friends, colleagues, or mentors. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness—it’s a reminder that you’re not alone, and that it’s perfectly okay to rely on others during difficult times. By embracing these strategies, setbacks become opportunities for growth.

Setbacks don’t define your path—it’s how you respond that truly matters. By focusing on what you can learn, seeking help when needed, and staying committed to your goals, you can turn challenges into steps toward success. Remember, it’s okay to ask for guidance and lean on others as you move forward, using each setback to drive future progress.

-Dr. Abha Bhartia is a DEI and L& D Consultant with 22+ years in the industry. She is a certified coach. She designs and facilitate customised training programs that focus on a range of topics, from soft skills to leadership development.