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“Ask the Mentor” is here to help you tackle job-related challenges with ease. Whether you are trying to return to work after a break, start a new side hustle, negotiate a better salary, or advance your career from home, we have you covered. Our mentors share simple and practical advice to help you succeed and grow in your professional life.

1. What should I consider when returning to work after a long break?

Many companies have second-chance career options for women who wish to return to work after a break. To be relevant and to be able to grab promising opportunities, follow the tips below.

  • Update Skills: Refresh your knowledge and skills by taking relevant courses or training sessions.
  • Network: Reconnect with former colleagues and contacts to learn about industry changes and potential opportunities.
  • Flexibility: Be open to flexible or part-time work initially to ease back into the routine and rebuild confidence.
  • Prepare Your Story: Be ready to explain your break positively, focusing on skills and experiences gained during that time.

2. What advice do you have for starting my own business or side hustle?

Entrepreneurship is natural for women as we manage entire households and have seen our foremothers do it as well. Starting apparel agencies, hobby stores, education centers, daycare centers, and many other options are available based on your investment bandwidth. The first step is to understand your input – are you willing to invest capital, and if so how much? If you are unable to invest capital then your research needs to be for options that do not require any financial investment. Some steps that will help you:

  • Research: Understand your market, identify your target audience, and analyze competitors. Also, understand the capital investment required and the physical space needed.
  • Plan: Develop a solid business plan outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. This is important even if you are not seeking funding as this will guide you and give you clarity throughout your journey.
  • Start Small: Test your idea on a small scale before fully committing. Even if you have financial support and big dreams, it is efficient to start small and work out any problems and challenges so scaling up becomes easy. This minimizes risk and allows you to make adjustments based on feedback and also improves your confidence to handle bigger challenges.
  • Leverage Online Tools: Utilize social media, e-commerce platforms, and digital marketing to reach a broader audience with minimal investment.

3. How do I negotiate for better pay and benefits without coming across as aggressive or ungrateful?

Salary negotiations are generally tough for women as we under-value ourselves and we and the society around us perceive our income as an additional source or secondary. But regardless of financial contribution or role, women need to remember that they are asking for a salary based on their contribution and not based on gender. Prepare yourself with data and information on industry trends. Use sites like Glassdoor and Google to research the salary range for your chosen role/job. Simple tips you can follow are:

  • Prepare: Research industry standards for your role and gather data to support your request.
  • Timing: Choose an appropriate time to discuss, such as during a performance review or after a significant achievement.
  • Practice: Rehearse your conversation to boost confidence and ensure clarity.
  • Focus on Value: Emphasize your contributions and how they benefit the company rather than just your personal needs.
  • Stay Professional: Maintain a calm and positive tone, showing appreciation for your current role while expressing your desire for growth.

4. What can I do to advance my career while working from home?

Thanks to the internet, there is a lot of opportunity for women who cannot go out to work. As long as you are upskilling yourself and networking in professional networks, women can work from home in accounting, recruitment, teaching, copywriting, and many other fields. Some tips are:

  • Stay Visible: Regularly update your professional social media profile and resume on job sites.  
  • Upskill: Take online courses or certifications relevant to your field. Platforms like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and Udemy offer a variety of options.
  • Network: Join professional online groups, attend virtual conferences, and participate in webinars to meet others in your industry.
  • Set Goals: Create clear, measurable goals and share them with your supervisor to align on expectations and track your progress.
  • Explore Jobs: There are many jobs such as customer support executive, virtual assistant, Technical writer, and online tutoring which can be explored.

We know navigating your career can be tough, but with the right tips and advice, you can handle anything that comes your way. “Ask the Mentor” provides straightforward guidance to help you negotiate, learn new skills, start a business, or get back to work smoothly. Follow these tips and see your career thrive!

-Dr. Abha Bhartia is a DEI Consultant with 22+ years in the industry. She collaborates with diverse companies.