Ballygunge Circular Road : Kolkata’s Rich Heritage

Ballygunge Circular Road, you can call me BCR. Born from necessity in the heart of South Kolkata, I stretch across three kilometers, each part telling its own story. My beginning goes back to a bustling sand market, surrounded by grand garden houses built by 18th-century Europeans. These houses stand like majestic memories from a world long gone.

Heritage – Culcutta’s Colonial Era

As the watchful guardian of South Kolkata, I’ve seen times change from the slow pace of horse-drawn carriages to today’s ceaseless flow of cars. Along my path, landmarks like Max Muller Bhavan and Miranda Hall rise as centers of culture, stirring the air with fresh ideas and art.

I came to life in 1905, created by British planners to ease the city’s growing traffic. By 1947, when India won its independence, I could feel the excitement and hope of a new nation vibrating through my very ground.Now, in 2024, I look on as a young couple stops to admire a modern apartment building where an old bungalow once stood. I cherish how seamlessly the old and new come together here, reflecting my own story. Colonial-era mansions and modern buildings line my route, each quietly observing the city as it rushes forward.

The pulse of the community is loudest during Durga Puja when I light up with decorations and the air fills with the sound of drums. This festival turns me into a lively stage, celebrating the enduring spirit and rich culture of my surroundings.However, it’s not always easy. The demands of modern life challenge me with heavy traffic and the pressures of new developments. But, like Kolkata, I remain resilient, weathering pandemics and storms, my spirit undimmed by the tests of time.

As 2030 nears, I wonder about my future. My essence is woven into the very heart of Kolkata. Every day, new stories and lives blend with the old. I am always changing, yet forever constant. Listen to the whispers of time in my leaves and the echoes of the past in every passing car. For in me, the soul of Kolkata continues to thrive.

Subha KS [A proficient reader & content writer on crafting insightful narratives]