Caitlin Clark replaced Brittney Griner on Women’s National Team

Image courtesy of America’s Last Line Of Defense/Facebook

On June 14, 2024, a Facebook post from “America’s Last Line Of Defense” sparked a rumor suggesting that Caitlin Clark had joined the USA Basketball Women’s National Team roster after the alleged release of Brittney Griner for “undisclosed reasons.” The meme humorously stated, “Team USA: ‘Britney Griner is OUT – Caitlin Clark is IN.'”

However, this claim was quickly debunked as satire. The Facebook page in question is part of a network known for creating fictional and satirical content, explicitly stating, “Nothing on this page is real.” The meme itself also carried a satire rating label, confirming its humorous intent rather than factual reporting.

The rumor seemed to play on current events and controversies surrounding athletes, particularly Brittney Griner, who has been a subject of false conspiracy theories regarding her gender. The mention of “testosterone levels” in the meme alluded to these baseless claims but had no basis in reality.

The spread of such misinformation underscores the importance of verifying sources and critically evaluating information, especially on social media platforms where satire and genuine news can easily be conflated. Satirical content, while intended for entertainment, can sometimes mislead readers unfamiliar with the nature of the publication.

In conclusion, the claim that Caitlin Clark replaced Brittney Griner on the USA Basketball Women’s National Team due to “undisclosed reasons” is entirely fictional and falls under the category of satire, originating from a known satire and parody website. It serves as a reminder to approach information online with discernment and to rely on credible sources for accurate news and updates.

Re-reported from the article originally published in Snopes.

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