Daily News

The Neverending Case: How 10 Years of Delays Have Prevented a “Horrendous” Sexual Assault Allegation From Going to Trial by Kyle Hopkins, Anchorage Daily News; Graphics by Lucas Waldron and Zisiga Mukulu, ProPublica

Elon Musk’s Boring Company Is Tunneling Beneath Las Vegas With Little Oversight by Daniel Rothberg for ProPublica and Dayvid Figler, City Cast Las Vegas

by Daniel Rothberg for ProPublica and Dayvid Figler, City Cast Las Vegas ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses...

Anchorage Police Say They Witnessed a Sexual Assault in Public. It Took Seven Years for the Case to Go to Trial. by Kyle Hopkins, Anchorage Daily News

by Kyle Hopkins, Anchorage Daily News This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with the Anchorage...

Has Your Car Been Towed in Connecticut? Share Your Story and Help Us Investigate. by Ginny Monk, Dave Altimari and Shahrzad Rasekh, The Connecticut Mirror

by Ginny Monk, Dave Altimari and Shahrzad Rasekh, The Connecticut Mirror Leer en español. The Connecticut Mirror and ProPublica, a...