Laura Modi
Image Credit: CNBC

Laura Modi, former Airbnb executive, stumbled upon a business idea while looking for baby formula for her newborn in 2016. Disappointed by the ingredients in available formulas, Laura Modi decided to create her own with cleaner, organic ingredients. In 2017, she left her job to co-find her baby formula company, now generating over $84 million in revenue.

Her tech background taught her to take risks and bet on herself, and she believes in the power of a strong company culture. Despite facing skepticism due to her pregnancy during fundraising, she found joy in being underestimated and surprising doubters.

Modi sees the formula industry facing challenges with limited product availability and supply chain issues. However, Laura Modi also views this as an opportunity to reform the industry and create better, safer products. Her mission is to provide parents with reliable and healthy baby formula, ensuring a brighter future for the industry.
Re-reported from the article originally published in CNBC