Women’s liberation through self-help groups and digitalization in rural areas

In recent years, there has been a significant focus on digitalizing rural areas in India, to bring modern technology to remote regions and empower local communities. The advancement of technology has brought many opportunities for women in rural areas to empower themselves, and self-help groups have played a significant role in this process. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the year 2021 released Rs 1,625 crores to more than 4 lakh Self Help groups.
Self-help groups are community-based organizations that provide women with financial and social support to improve their livelihoods. They have been instrumental in empowering women in rural areas by providing them access to credit, information, and training. With the help of digitalization, these groups can now reach out to a larger audience and provide services such as online training, digital payments, and e-commerce.
Digitalization has also helped women in rural areas access information and services that were previously unavailable to them. With the increasing use of smartphones and internet connectivity, women can now access health and education resources and market their products online. This has not only improved their livelihoods but also helped them break social and cultural barriers.
Self-help groups have also played a vital role in promoting gender equality in rural areas. They have organized awareness campaigns, workshops, and training programs to sensitize women and their communities about gender-based discrimination and violence. These groups have helped women assert their rights and demand better social and economic conditions.
–Re-reported from the story originally published in Dailyhunt