During the Pandemic, Baking Became Her Saviour

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Noida-based Shweta Joshi started Quarantine Bakers in May 2020 after her established business came to a standstill due to the pandemic.

Ever heard of a Divorce Cake? But Noida based Shweta Joshi has made it. For Shweta, the pandemic had brought her life to a standstill. She had had a job involving school children in arts and crafts. But with the lock-down, that job could not continue anymore. It was a friend who suggested she bake. Shweta always used to bake tea cakes and breaks for her family, but she had never thought about trying it on a commercial basis.

But when she tried, she was surprised at the immense success she had. In 2020, she started her venture named quarantine bakes (the name suggested by her son stuck).

Recalling the early days, Shweta says, “It was anything but easy. We had no help at home, which meant that the responsibility of managing the house, cleaning it, cooking and then baking fell on me. Those were some back-breaking days as well but I never felt like complaining through it all. I was enjoying this newfound passion.”

“The business, in the beginning, was an experiment and I found that my initial customers became my biggest cheerleaders and marketers. They would promote my products and I started getting business via word-of-mouth.” Shweta adds here that most of her customers have ordered from her more than once and some have even become long-standing customers and friends today.

Today she has incorporated various types of bread also into her menu. Sunflower pull-apart bread, pesto infused bread and using beetroot and spinach for color were some of Shweta’s additions to her business. She is now a reliable baker in the Delhi/NCR region. 

Credits: The Better India

Read the full story here.

-Staff Reporter