Image Credit: Republic

Actress Chhavi Mittal recently stood up against online negativity by responding to a derogatory comment on her post celebrating Breast Cancer survivors. On National Cancer Survivors Day, she took to social media to highlight the strength and resilience of those who battled the disease, aiming to raise awareness and provide support to those affected.

In the face of positivity and encouragement, a troll attempted to undermine the message with a derogatory comment. However, instead of ignoring it, Chhavi chose to address the remark, seizing the opportunity to educate and raise awareness about the importance of sensitivity. Her composed response emphasized the need for empathy when discussing sensitive topics like breast cancer, reminding her followers that each survivor has a unique story of resilience and triumph.

Sharing a screenshot of the troll’s comment on her Instagram, Chhavi highlighted the negative remark questioning the prominence of her cancer survival journey. She responded by emphasizing the significance of discussing such life-altering incidents, as they become an integral part of one’s identity. Chhavi’s scars, both physical and emotional, serve as daily reminders of the magnitude of her experience. She vowed to continue spreading awareness, providing assistance, and never allowing trolls to dampen her spirit.

In April 2022, Chhavi Mittal received a breast cancer diagnosis after discovering a lump during a routine checkup following a gym injury. She underwent radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, and has since made a full recovery. Utilizing her social media platform, Chhavi empowers and uplifts breast cancer survivors, offering valuable information about the disease and serving as a beacon of inspiration for those navigating the challenging journey of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

Chhavi’s advocacy extends beyond raising awareness; she fosters a supportive community that encourages survivors to share their stories and find strength in unity. Her determination to shed light on breast cancer and support those affected shines through her unwavering dedication and assertive grace.

Re-reported from the source originally published in Republic.