Enhancing Daily Dialogues: Expert Tips from Sajitha Rasheed

Image courtsey: Self

Hello, She Sight fans from around the world! Welcome to another inspiring feature from She Sight, where we meet amazing women making a difference in their unique ways. Today, we’re delving into the realm of personal growth and meaningful connections—skills that can significantly impact our daily lives and careers. We’re thrilled to introduce Sajitha Rasheed, a communication expert with over a decade of experience in customer care across tourism, telecom, and events, and a mentor for soft skills for the last 14 years. As a founding member of a gender rights NGO and a leader in various entrepreneurial networks, Sajitha is a true groundbreaker. Let’s dive into her insights on improving our daily dialogues and building lasting relationships.

The Journey of Sajitha Rasheed

Sajitha began her career with a diploma in travel and tourism management, landing a job just three days after her exams. She later transitioned to telecom when a better opportunity arose. After a five-year break to raise her children, she ventured into event management in Kerala. This role ignited her passion for research and training, leading her to a fulfilling career in full-time training.

Communication Tips for Positive Interactions

In Kerala, Sajitha noticed that people often ask unnecessary questions like, “Why can’t you be early?” She advises rephrasing such questions into statements like, “Please be on time.” This approach reduces defensiveness and promotes positive interactions. Another crucial tip is to be consistently kind at home. Often, we are kinder to strangers than to our family members. Showing kindness to loved ones fosters better relationships.

Discovering a Passion for Training

Image courtsey: Self

The foray into event management led to a new calling in research and training. This discovery paved the way for a full-time career dedicated to helping others enhance their skills and communication abilities.

Tips for Effective Communication

Reframe Your Language: Instead of saying, “Why can’t you be early?” try, “Please be on time.” This reduces defensiveness and promotes positive interactions.

  • Kindness at Home: Consistently show kindness and consideration to family members, not just to strangers. This fosters better relationships and a harmonious home environment.
Image courtsey: Self

Strengthening Bonds with Your Children

  • Encourage Freedom: Allow children the freedom to be themselves without overly structured routines. This nurtures open communication and reduces pressure to conform strictly to rules.
  • Emotional Nutrition: Dedicate 30 minutes of undivided attention to your child daily. Engage at their eye level, listen attentively, and use prompts like “Then what happened?” This focused interaction fosters emotional well-being and reduces tantrums.

Balancing Work and Family Life

  • Unplug Regularly: Set aside specific times each week to disconnect from devices and spend uninterrupted time with family. This maintains strong connections and ensures family members feel valued.
  • Prioritize Presence: Recognize the importance of being present and attentive to your family, balancing work commitments with quality family time.

Setting and Achieving Goals

  • Reverse Engineer Your Goals: Start with a specific date for achieving your goal and work backward to identify necessary steps. Breaking down goals into manageable steps with set deadlines keeps you organized and motivated.
  • Meaningful Direction: Effective goal setting provides direction and meaning, making the journey toward your goals fulfilling and achievable.

Managing Stress in Daily Life

  • Mindful Breathing: Focus on your breath, take deep breaths, and engage your senses to stay present. This simple technique helps manage stress by centering your mind in the current moment.

Staying Mentally Fit

  • Practice Mindfulness: Engage your senses—observe your surroundings, listen to sounds, feel textures, taste your food, and notice scents. Staying present reduces stress and prevents dwelling on past regrets or future worries.

Parenting Teenagers with Respect and Understanding

  • Respect Independence: Allow teenagers to make choices in safe areas while maintaining necessary boundaries. Open communication and a supportive approach are crucial.
  • Money Management: Encourage teenagers to manage small savings and open a bank account. Teach them the value of money and hard work through responsible financial rules.
  • Clear Discipline: Maintain consistent and fair household rules, focusing on non-negotiables like safety, health, and education. This guides teenagers toward responsible adulthood.

Effective Communication with Teens

  1. Listen Actively: Pay attention without immediate advice or criticism.
  2. Respect Independence: Allow freedom in safe areas.
  3. Set Clear Boundaries: Focus on safety, health, and education.
  4. Use Positive Reinforcement: Encourage efforts and achievements.
  5. Be a Role Model: Demonstrate expected behaviors.
  6. Have Open Conversations: Create safe spaces for honest discussions.
  7. Spend Quality Time Together: Engage in enjoyable activities.
  8. Encourage Critical Thinking: Help develop opinions and thinking skills.

By implementing these strategies, parents can build stronger, more respectful relationships with their teens, helping them navigate the transition from childhood to adulthood with confidence and support.

In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Sajitha Rasheed for sharing her invaluable insights and practical tips on improving daily dialogues and fostering meaningful connections. Her expertise, gained from years of experience in customer care, training, and mentoring, has provided us with tools to enhance our personal growth and relationships. From promoting kindness at home to guiding us through effective goal setting and stress management, Sajitha’s wisdom is truly transformative. Thank you, Sajitha, for being a beacon of inspiration and for empowering us to communicate better and build stronger bonds. Stay tuned, SheSight fans, for more inspiring stories and expert advice.

Staff Reporter