Expert Tips: 7 Plants to Prune in July

July is a vibrant time in the garden, with plants thriving in the summer warmth. Alongside routine tasks like watering and feeding, pruning plays a crucial role in maintaining plant health and vigor.
Here are 7 plants that benefit from pruning in July:
- Wisteria: Trim long shoots to five or six buds to keep growth in check.
- Hardy Geraniums: Cut back after the first bloom to encourage a second flush later in summer.
- Boxwood: Shape hedges or individual plants to maintain their neat appearance.
- Espalier Fruit Trees: Prune to develop fruiting spurs and ensure good light penetration.
- Tomatoes: Remove suckers and lower foliage to focus plant energy on fruit production.
- Walnut Trees: Prune during mid-summer to avoid sap bleeding; prune lightly to avoid stress.
- Apricot Trees: Prune after harvesting to prevent diseases like silver leaf and promote new growth.
Each plant type requires specific pruning techniques and timing to maximize health and growth. Proper pruning not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also supports plant resilience against diseases and pests.
Re-reported from the article originally published in HOMES&GARDENS.