I met my ancestors today;
my mother’s lineage –
my mom, granma, aunts
great granny,
great great granny,
the whole line behind them,
all the way to the divine.
As I felt them,
I could feel all their pain
all the way back to the last one.
As they sensed my pain,
they formed a long chain
behind me,
hugging their child in front,
till it reached my mother
who hugged me.
They asked me
to let go
of all their pain.
For it was not mine
to carry
but theirs solely.
Their pain
was their choice,
to experience
and not mine
to hold on to.
They then passed
their light of love,
all the way from the source
to push me forward;
to leave the pain behind
and take only their love.
They asked me
to walk forward
with all the light
of all their love.
We then sat
in a circle,
around a fire,
in a moonlit night.
All of the women
sharing the same thread,
in lineage,
sat along with me,
In silence, in love,
In joy and in peace.
Their gift to me,
I learned,
was not their pain
all of their love,
a long line of them,
a gift i need to pass on.

-Sajitha Rasheed is a relationship workshop facilitator and the Founder and Chief Mentor of Mind Mojo.