Female executives innovate deal-making with sound baths and pajama parties

Amidst the tranquil setting of J.P. Morgan’s estate, 34 top female CEOs and founders gathered in pajamas, reflecting on nature’s embrace and fostering connections.

Image credit: Forbes

PowerDown2PowerUp, conceived by Stacy Berns and Nancy Berger, offers executive women an unconventional yet transformative summer camp-style experience. At The Ranch Hudson Valley, attendees break free from corporate norms to bond, learn, and shatter barriers.

Sandra Campos, CEO of PetMeds, praised the retreat’s focus on relationship-building, highlighting its departure from typical formalities and panel discussions.

Over 48 hours, attendees shed work stress through activities like guided hikes and sound baths, forging authentic connections. Deirdre Quinn, CEO of Lafayette 148, appreciated the genuine energy, contrasting it with traditional conferences’ performance-driven expectations.

Lessons from the event transcend its confines:

  1. Dress Authentically: Attire can set the tone for genuine connections. Encouraging comfortable dress fosters authenticity.
  2. Bond Through Experiences: Novel experiences like guided hikes create shared memories, fostering friendships.
  3. Personalize the Experience: Offering choices and personalized gifts heightens engagement and creates excitement.
  4. Avoid Hard Selling: The retreat’s focus on giving rather than getting cultivates a supportive atmosphere.
  5. Embrace Diversity: Diverse perspectives spark collaborations and enrich experiences.

The retreat exemplifies a new paradigm for executive women to connect authentically. As attendees departed, they left behind stress, finding support and inspiration in newfound connections.

Susan Beischel, founder of Skin, encapsulated the sentiment, expressing gratitude for the privilege of being part of the transformative experience.

Re-reported from the article originally published in Forbes.