Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s Kindness Saves Cancer Patient’s Life

Shashi Tharoor, the Indian politician, recently shared a heartwarming story about how Nirmala Sitharaman, India’s current Finance Minister, helped a cancer patient in getting a life-saving injection.
The incident is a testimony to the power of compassion and kindness, even in the midst of political differences.
According to Tharoor’s account, he received a call from a woman whose sister was suffering from cancer and urgently needed an injection that was out of stock in their city. Tharoor immediately reached out to Sitharaman, who was then the Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, despite their political differences.
Nirmala Sitharaman not only responded promptly but also went out of her way to ensure that the injection was delivered to the patient. She coordinated with the pharmaceutical company and arranged for the injection to be airlifted from Mumbai to Thiruvananthapuram, the patient’s city, within 24 hours. Tharoor praised Sitharaman’s gesture, saying, “I was touched by her compassion and her willingness to go the extra mile to help a cancer patient. It is this spirit of humanity and empathy that makes our country great.”
The incident highlights the need for empathy and kindness in public life, particularly in a polarized political climate. It also demonstrates the power of individuals to make a difference in someone’s life, even if they hold different political views.
As we navigate through the challenges of a pandemic and a polarized society, it is crucial to remember that we are all connected, and our actions can have a ripple effect on others. By extending a helping hand to those in need, regardless of our differences, we can create a kinder and more compassionate world.
Staff Reporter