June’s here, and with it, something special: the first-ever print edition of SheSight, now on Amazon. Holding this magazine in my hands, I can’t help but feel a mix of joy and awe. It’s like holding a piece of a bigger dream, one that we’ve built together, page by page.

Image Source: Copilot in Bing

Inside these pages, you’ll find stories that matter. We are excited to share stories of our Green Queens, who are making a difference for our planet. We also take you through a simple path to happiness with the Seven Step Manifesto; finding joy in the little things and understanding the challenges we all face.

June edition talks about money matters too, how we can go from making it to growing it, and why that’s so important for us women. Let’s also talk about global LGBTQ+ rights—rights for everyone, no matter who you love. Plus how we can all make our workplaces fairer. I’ve also got some neat ideas for making your home look great in a way that’s good for our world. Ordinary items can become extraordinary treasures!

So, as you flip through these pages, do feel the care and thought that went into it, all meant to reach out and touch your life.

While flipping if something strikes a chord, tell us about it. Your thoughts and stories are important, and we’d love to hear them.

Let’s make SheSight a place where every spectrum of voice can be heard.

Speak up, join in. We’re listening.

Together forward,


