The Gen-Z Girls & Marriage: Navigating Love, Equality, and Independence


Once upon a time, a bright and ambitious Gen Z girl named Maya lived in a bustling city filled with diversity and opportunities. As an only child, she was raised by progressive parents who instilled in her the importance of education, independence, and the pursuit of her dreams. Growing up in the age of digital revolution, Maya was no stranger to the ever-changing world around her.

Throughout her teenage years, Maya witnessed the shifting dynamics of relationships and marriage among her family, friends, and even pop culture icons. This exposure fuelled her curiosity, and she often pondered what the future held for her when it came to matters of the heart and marriage.

Maya was an avid learner and embraced every opportunity to grow intellectually and emotionally. She excelled in school, participated in various extracurricular activities, and developed a strong sense of empathy toward others. Her parents always encouraged her to be open-minded and compassionate, which influenced her outlook on love and relationships.

As she reached her late teens, Maya noticed that some of her peers were already discussing the idea of marriage and settling down. However, she felt an inner voice urging her to explore life beyond the conventional timelines set by society. Her parents, who had married relatively young, were supportive of her desire to focus on her education and career first. They believed in allowing her the freedom to make her own choices when it came to matters of the heart.

Maya’s understanding of love evolved over time. She believed in love that was based on mutual respect, support, and shared values. The idea of marrying for the sake of societal expectations or financial security didn’t resonate with her. Instead, she dreamt of finding a partner who would be her equal, a person with whom she could embark on a journey of personal growth and fulfillment.

As she entered college, Maya became more involved in social causes, gender equality initiatives, and LGBTQ+ advocacy. These experiences exposed her to diverse perspectives and love stories, allowing her to recognize that love knew no boundaries and could manifest in myriad ways. The concept of traditional gender roles and societal norms within marriage seemed increasingly outdated to her.

In her early twenties, Maya began a serious relationship with a fellow college student, Alex. They shared a deep emotional connection, and their relationship was built on mutual respect and support. Their journey together was marked by understanding and encouragement, both valuing each other’s personal growth and aspirations.

With marriage being a topic that often arose among their families and friends, Maya and Alex had candid conversations about their views on matrimony. They both cherished the idea of a life together but agreed that they wanted to focus on their careers and personal development first. They envisioned a future where they would support each other’s dreams and ambitions, forming a partnership based on equality and shared responsibilities.

As the years passed, Maya continued to embrace her individuality while nurturing her relationship with Alex. They eventually decided to cohabit, not as a stepping stone to marriage but as a way to understand each other better and ensure their compatibility in various aspects of life.

Maya’s journey was a testament to the changing perspectives of Gen Z girls on marriage. For her, love was not confined by tradition or societal expectations; it was an ever-evolving journey of self-discovery and shared growth. She looked forward to a future where she could be a partner, an advocate for change, and a woman unafraid to challenge the status quo – a true Gen Z girl, redefining the path to a fulfilling and meaningful life.


Maya and her generation’s perspectives of marriage might not be palatable for the previous generation, which believed in a lifelong relationship, however, skewed, one-sided, or patriarchal it is.

The generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, fondly called Gen-Z, has grown up in a rapidly changing world with access to information at their fingertips. With progressive values and an open-minded outlook, Gen-Z girls are redefining societal norms, including their perspectives on marriage. Gen Z women tend to be independent, ambitious, and value-driven. They prioritize inclusivity, social justice, and environmental sustainability. Unlike previous generations, they are more open-minded, progressive, and vocal about their desires and aspirations.

We, the editorial board at SheSight did an exploration into the changing perspectives of the Gen-Z’s marriage dreams. Here are the TEN key ideas on the evolving nature of the concept of “marriage”.

  • Delaying Marriage: Pursuit of Independence

Unlike previous generations, Gen-Z girls tend to prioritize their personal development, education, and career before considering marriage. The pursuit of independence and self-discovery often takes precedence over settling down at a young age. With access to better educational and career opportunities, Gen-Z girls are keen on establishing themselves before committing to a lifelong partnership.

  • Redefining Marriage: Love, Not Just Tradition

For Gen-Z girls, marriage is increasingly seen as a union of love and companionship rather than just a societal obligation or a means to financial security. As a generation that values emotional intelligence, they seek partners with whom they can build strong emotional connections, share similar values, and experience personal growth together.

  • Gender Equality: Breaking Free from Traditional Roles

Gen-Z girls have been raised in a time of increasing awareness about gender equality, and this perspective profoundly influences their views on marriage. They are more likely to seek partners who share household responsibilities, parenting duties, and financial contributions equally. Traditional gender roles and expectations within marriage are often challenged, paving the way for more egalitarian relationships.

  • Rejecting Arranged Marriages: Autonomy in Partner Selection

One significant shift in Gen-Z girls’ attitudes towards marriage is a decrease in the prevalence of arranged marriages. They prioritize their autonomy in choosing their life partners and resist societal pressures to conform to traditional matchmaking practices. Instead, they value the freedom to select a partner based on mutual understanding and compatibility.

  • Cohabitation: Testing the Waters

Cohabitation has become more socially acceptable among Gen-Z girls as a way to explore compatibility and shared responsibilities before committing to marriage. This trend reflects the desire for greater certainty and understanding before entering into a lifelong commitment.

  • Financial Considerations: Practicality and Security

While love and emotional connection remain paramount, Gen-Z girls are also mindful of the practical aspects of marriage. Economic security shared financial goals, and financial independence are crucial factors to consider before taking the plunge into matrimony.

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  • Diversity and Inclusivity: Embracing LGBTQ+ Marriages

Gen-Z girls are more accepting and supportive of LGBTQ+ marriages, promoting inclusivity and celebrating love in all its forms. This generation’s open-mindedness encourages a more diverse and inclusive landscape for marriage, breaking down barriers and fostering understanding.

Image source: Canva Pro
  • Supportive Family Dynamics

Family plays an essential role in the lives of Gen Z women. They seek partners who appreciate and respect their family and are willing to build supportive relationships with their own family as well. A harmonious blend of both families enhances the overall marital experience. Gen Z women value the concept of family and often prioritize maintaining close ties with their loved ones. They seek partners who share the same sentiment and are willing to invest time and effort in building positive relationships with both sets of families. Supportive family dynamics create a nurturing environment for the marriage to thrive.

  • Mental and Physical Health Awareness

Health and well-being are highly regarded by Gen Z women. They prioritize partners who prioritize mental and physical health, making self-care a shared responsibility. A supportive partner can significantly impact overall well-being and happiness within the marriage. In a fast-paced and stress-inducing world, mental and physical health awareness is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. Gen Z women recognize the importance of self-care and look for partners who encourage and support their well-being journey. Nurturing a holistic approach to health enhances the couple’s ability to face challenges together and cultivate a resilient bond.

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  • Personal Growth and Development

Gen Z women are driven by a strong desire for personal growth and development. They seek partners who support and encourage their ambitions, understanding that individual growth enhances the overall strength of the marriage. A partnership that fosters personal development empowers Gen Z women to explore their full potential. They are eager to pursue their passions, career goals, and hobbies, and they desire a partner who cheers them every step of the way.



Image source: Canva Pro

As Maya’s relationship with Alex deepened, they began to discuss the topic of children. Both of them believed in open communication and transparency, and they wanted to ensure that they were on the same page when it came to such a significant life decision.

For Gen Z girls like Maya, the decision to have children is not taken lightly. They are aware of the responsibilities that come with parenthood and the impact it can have on their personal and professional lives. Maya, being a fiercely independent individual, knew that having children would require adjustments and sacrifices, and she wanted to make an informed choice.

Maya and Alex engaged in numerous heartfelt conversations about their future as parents. They both recognized the importance of being emotionally and financially prepared for the responsibility of raising a child. They wanted to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for their potential future offspring.

One aspect that weighed heavily on Maya’s mind was the balance between motherhood and her career aspirations. She had witnessed her own mother juggling work and family life, and while she admired her dedication, she was determined to find a way to strike a balance that would allow her to pursue her professional goals without compromising her role as a mother.

In their discussions, Maya and Alex agreed that if they were to have children, they would approach parenting as equal partners. They believed in sharing childcare responsibilities and household duties, ensuring that both parents could continue to pursue their passions and maintain a sense of individuality. They were committed to challenging traditional gender roles and instilling a sense of equality in their future family.

Maya also valued the idea of raising children in an inclusive and diverse environment. She wanted her children to be exposed to various cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. They envisioned creating a home where open-mindedness, acceptance, and empathy were celebrated.

Despite their commitment to each other and their potential future family, Maya and Alex were in no rush to have children. They recognized that parenthood was a profound responsibility, and they wanted to give themselves the time and space to grow together as a couple before taking that next step.

For Maya, the decision to have children represented the continuation of their love story, an extension of the life they were building together. They knew that having children would bring joy, challenges, and a sense of fulfillment, and they were excited about the prospect of embarking on that journey together when the time felt right.

As a Gen Z girl, Maya’s approach to parenthood was rooted in self-awareness, open-mindedness, and a commitment to equality. She understood that her decision to have children would be influenced by her individual desires, her partner’s wishes, and their shared vision for their future. In a world where perspectives on family and parenting continue to evolve, Maya was ready to embrace motherhood in a way that aligned with her values and aspirations.

Gen Z girls like Maya, approach the decision to have children with thoughtful consideration, emphasizing equality, personal growth, and inclusivity. Unlike the previous generations, Maya’s generation likes to discuss having children and choices related to it.

  • Conscious Decision-Making:

Gen Z girls view parenthood as a conscious and informed decision. They understand the responsibilities and impact of raising children and want to be emotionally and financially prepared before taking that step. Their range of decisions on whether to give birth or not as a sustainability responsibility, whether to adopt a child or adopt a pet dog or cat instead might sound quite shocking to the previous generation of women whose worth was determined by the number of children she gave birth to.

  • Balancing Parenthood and Personal Goals:

Prioritizing personal and professional growth, Gen Z girls strive to find a balance between motherhood and their career aspirations. They seek to challenge traditional gender roles and co-parent with their partners equally.                  

  • Delaying Parenthood:

Many Gen Z girls prioritize personal development, education, and careers before starting a family. They are willing to delay parenthood to explore life beyond conventional timelines and ensure they are ready for the responsibilities of raising children.

  • Shared Parenting Responsibilities:

Gen Z girls advocate for shared parenting responsibilities, envisioning a family dynamic where both parents actively participate in childcare and household duties.

  • Embracing the Journey:

For Gen Z girls, parenthood represents an extension of their love story with their partners. They look forward to the joy, challenges, and fulfillment that raising children can bring.


Image source: Canva Pro

As a Gen Z girl, Maya’s journey epitomized the transformation of traditional societal norms. Her progressive outlook on marriage and parenthood reflected the values of her generation – a commitment to personal growth, open-mindedness, and a dedication to creating a more inclusive and understanding world. By redefining the path to a fulfilling and meaningful life, Maya’s story inspires future generations to embrace love, equality, and the pursuit of happiness on their own terms. As the torchbearers of a changing era, Gen Z girls are poised to shape a future that celebrates individuality, inclusivity, and the power of love in all its forms.

Cover Story by the Editorial Board of SheSight, with inputs from social media poll participants.

(The SheSight Editorial team crafted a fictional story about Maya, a character representing various GenZ individuals. Through her, they shared diverse perspectives that helped consolidate the evolving views on marriage.)