Highlights from the DNC: Farewell to Biden, Welcome to Harris

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was an exciting event this week, with a lot of powerful speeches and emotional moments. The party said a heartfelt goodbye to President Joe Biden and rallied around their new presidential nominee, Kamala Harris.

For four days, the convention featured many notable speakers, including President Biden, former presidents, celebrities, and even Michelle Obama. Here are some of the most memorable highlights from the DNC:

Biden’s Farewell:
President Joe Biden kicked off the convention by taking the stage to address the audience, “I love my job, but I love my country more,” he said, hinting at why he decided to end his own campaign. He expressed strong support for Kamala Harris and her running mate, Governor Tim Walz, and talked about his achievements while in office. Biden also took the opportunity to criticize former President Donald Trump, encouraging Democrats to unite for the upcoming election.

Michelle Obama’s Powerful Message:
Former First Lady Michelle Obama made a big impact with her speech. She urged everyone to take action before Election Day and reminded the audience of her famous words from 2016: “When they go low, we go high.” She added a new powerful line: “Hope is making a comeback.” Her message inspired many to stay positive and keep fighting for what they believe in.

Tim Walz’s Personal Story:
On the third night of the convention, Governor Tim Walz shared a deeply personal story about the challenges he and his wife, Gwen, faced with fertility. He spoke directly to his family, saying, “Hope, Gus, and Gwen, you are my entire world, and I love you.” His son Gus stood up, visibly emotional, with tears streaming down his face as he applauded his father. This touching moment showed a different side of Walz and connected with many viewers.

Kamala Harris Gets Personal:
Kamala Harris, the new presidential nominee, also shared personal stories during her speech. She talked about her childhood, recalling how her father encouraged her to play freely while her mother urged caution. Harris also spoke about the close-knit community that helped raise her, and she brought her family on stage to share in her big moment. Her grandnieces, Amara and Leela Ajagu, even taught the audience how to pronounce “Kamala” correctly: “Comma, like the punctuation mark, then La, like la-la-la.”

The DNC was filled with moments of inspiration, emotion, and hope, setting the stage for an exciting election season.

Subha KS- Staff Reporter