Incorporate Fenugreek Seeds Creatively

Fenugreek Recipes
Image Credit : NDTV Food

Fenugreek, commonly known as ‘methi’ in Indian households, serves as a versatile ingredient, playing roles as a herb, spice (seeds), or vegetable (fresh leaves and sprouts). India takes pride in being one of the largest producers of this ancient herb. While fresh fenugreek leaves enhance many dishes, the cuboid-shaped, yellow-to-amber fenugreek seeds add a unique and aromatic touch. Rich in essential nutrients, fenugreek seeds (methi dana) are a staple for a healthy diet, offering various health benefits.

Fenugreek Seeds Benefits:

  1. Cholesterol Management: Steroidal saponins in fenugreek seeds are believed to slow cholesterol absorption in the intestines.
  2. Diabetes Control:It is often included in diet plans for diabetes patients and those with polycystic ovary disorder.
  3. Digestive Aid: Fenugreek seeds, rich in fibre and antioxidants, aid digestion by flushing out harmful toxins, preventing constipation, and alleviating digestive problems. Fenugreek tea is used to relieve indigestion and stomach pain.
  4. Natural Heartburn Remedy: Recognized as an effective remedy for heartburn or acid reflux, fenugreek’s mucilage soothes gastrointestinal inflammation. Sprinkling fenugreek seeds over dishes adds crunch and aids digestion.
  5. Weight Loss and Metabolism Boost: Fenugreek seeds are an excellent addition to a weight loss diet. Packed with fibre, they enable a slow release of sugar, suppressing appetite, boosting metabolism, and aiding in improving insulin activity.

How to Use Fenugreek Seeds:

  • Soak one to two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water every morning. Consult a doctor if you are on insulin therapy.
  • Sprinkle fenugreek seeds over stir-fries or add them to soups for better digestion.
  • Include fenugreek seeds in South Indian dishes, rice, vegetables, and fish for enhanced flavors.
  • Use fenugreek seeds in oil to infuse delightful flavors into vegetables and fresh chutneys.

Incorporate fenugreek seeds creatively to enjoy their health benefits and unique flavors.

Repurposed article originally published in NDTV Food