Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Invites Investors to Join India’s 25-Year Journey

Image source: TWITTER/@FINMININDIA Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharama
In a recent meeting with investors during the 56th ADB Annual Meeting in South Korea, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman extended an invitation to become part of India’s journey towards its centenary as a modern nation. She emphasized that this journey, called “Amrit Kaal”, is full of new opportunities for growth and investments.
Sitharaman spoke about the vision and reforms-oriented approach towards good governance under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to shape “New India” and redefine its place in the global economic order. She also highlighted recent initiatives, such as the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP), National Monetisation Pipeline, Digital Public Infrastructure, Production Linked Incentive, real estate sector, and FDI policy reforms.
During the meeting, Sitharaman acknowledged that India has stood out as a beacon of hope in the face of the pandemic and geopolitical conflicts, becoming the fifth-largest economy in the world. She appreciated the investors in South Korea for showing continued confidence in India and their willingness to participate in the Production Linked Incentive scheme, particularly for the mobile phone and electronic component sectors.
In another meeting, Sitharaman met with Fiji’s Deputy Prime Minister Biman Chand Prasad to discuss the upcoming 3rd Summit of the Forum for India Pacific Islands Countries Cooperation (FIPIC) in Papua New Guinea. They also discussed the Fiji government’s support for the successful conduct of the 12th World Hindi Conference and the new National Holiday in Fiji, designated as Girmit Day on May 15, marking 144 years of Indian indentured workers’ arrival in Fiji on May 14, 1879.
Re-reported from the story originally published in IndiaTVNews