Inspiring 91-Year-Old Redefines Aging Gracefully with Fitness and Positive Attitude

Inspirational Journey: Redefining Aging at 91
Image courtesy: Instagram

In a world filled with resolutions to get fit, 91-year-old Edna Giordano, an internet sensation known as @fit_momof7 on Instagram, embodies inspiration and defies age norms. Her daughter, Dalyce Radtke, a certified fitness trainer, shares glimpses of her mother’s remarkable fitness routine, showcasing that age is merely a mindset.

Giordano attributes her enduring vitality to attitude, emphasizing that maintaining a positive outlook eases life’s challenges and attracts people. Radtke’s Instagram videos feature the dynamic duo engaging in exercises that highlight Giordano’s incredible mobility and strength.

The caption accompanying one video reads, “Defying Age with Grace: At 91, my mom is a testament to the power of mobility!” The routine, tailored by Radtke, includes side bends, push-ups, and full planks, all seamlessly integrated into Giordano’s daily life. The overarching message is a celebration of what the human body can achieve at any age, reinforcing Giordano’s mantra that “age is a mindset.”

The comments section is flooded with praise and gratitude from viewers, with one user expressing, “Now I have a role model to take me to 70 and beyond!” Another viewer is moved to tears, echoing the sentiments of many who find Giordano’s journey truly inspiring.

In another video, Radtke showcases Giordano’s balance routine, highlighting her ability to stand on one leg without support and take consecutive steps in a straight line. Giordano’s commitment to independence is evident, as she continues to engage in her favorite activities, drive, and visit the gym daily.

Living in British Columbia, Canada, Giordano, a grandmother of 21 and great-grandmother of four, began focusing on fitness after being asked to retire from her job at a local hospital due to her age. She emphasizes a non-competitive approach to exercise, stating, “I only push myself to do better all the time, and I only compete with myself.”

Giordano’s active lifestyle stems from her natural inclination towards a busy life, raising a large family. She shared, “My body feels better when I’m moving,” a sentiment that encapsulates her dedication to staying active and maintaining a healthy mindset. Her story is a beacon of motivation for those over 50 or anyone seeking inspiration to age gracefully and vibrantly.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The Scoop unworthy