Kerala’s New Higher Education Ranking System Prioritizes Scientific Temper and Secularism

Image Credit: The Indian Express
The state of Kerala in India has recently introduced a for its higher education institutions. The system, which is the first of its kind in the country, takes into account several parameters that reflect the state’s values and priorities. Two of the key parameters are scientific temper and secularism. Scientific temper refers to the ability to think critically and objectively, and to base one’s beliefs on evidence rather than superstition or dogma. It is a fundamental aspect of modern education and is essential for progress and development. Kerala has a long tradition of promoting scientific temper, and the state’s new ranking system reflects this by giving significant weightage to the quality of research and innovation at its higher education institutions. Secularism, on the other hand, refers to the principle of separating religion and state. It is a crucial aspect of democracy and ensures that individuals are free to practice their own religion or belief system without fear of persecution or discrimination. In Kerala, which has a diverse population with a range of religious and cultural backgrounds, secularism is particularly important. The state’s new ranking system recognizes this by evaluating institutions on their commitment to promoting diversity, inclusivity, and tolerance. In addition to scientific temper and secularism, the new ranking system also takes into account several other parameters, such as teaching quality, student outcomes, and community engagement. By using a holistic approach that considers a range of factors, the system aims to provide a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the quality of higher education in the state. The introduction of this new ranking system is a significant step forward for Kerala’s higher education sector. By prioritizing values such as scientific temper and secularism, the state is not only promoting academic excellence but also ensuring that its institutions contribute to the development of a more tolerant and inclusive society. It is hoped that other states in India will follow Kerala’s lead and adopt similar ranking systems that reflect their own unique values and priorities.
Re-reported from the story originally published in The Indian Express