Manisha Matanhelia Adding Value to the Lives of Others

Maximising Wellness Level During the Pandemic
Manisha Matanhelia, an architect turned entrepreneur, Co-Founder & Director at Synergy Environics firmly believes that the type of environment one lives and works in has a huge impact on a person’s overall health and wellbeing, and this led her to take a new journey with Synergy Environics.
Her radiation management start-up provides products to offset harmful radiation emitted by devices and services through architectural solutions. Manisha began the Synergy Environics journey in 2007 by partnering with Ajay Poddar, a 1976 BTech Civil engineering graduate at IIT Delhi. Today the company has a team of more than 70 employees.
Synergy Environics
Environics is helping people fight harmful radiation from mobile devices and wireless connections through its invention of the Envirochip, a chip that “operates at a higher frequency and creates random signals that are superimposed on electromagnetic radiation,” according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Technology Review.
The chip can be placed in devices such as cell phones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers, smart TVs, desktop computers and baby monitors. Certified by Conformité Européenne (CE) and Max Healthcare India, it has also been tested by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) stating the device improves brain EEG. The D2C range also includes EnviroCover, EnviroGlobe radiation protection devices and EnviroLife device disinfectants.
In addition, it also offers architectural solutions for assessing office and living spaces for electromagnetic radiation from the earth. To do this, however, the company works with homeowners and architects but is not taking any projects for designing buildings.
While this service is operated in B2C and B2B partnerships, the B2C products are sold via its website and e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Flipkart, as well as retail stores such as Croma and Mom&Me.

Her Journey to Synergy Environics
Manisha recalls the long journey that led her to found Environics, a company now determined to be at the forefront of innovation in radiation management.
Her father, a Marwari businessman who prioritizes the education of his three daughters, has played a huge role in her success.
During her undergraduate studies in 1998, she learned about “geopathic stress,” a distorted electromagnetic frequency phenomenon on earth that can affect a person’s productivity and general well-being.
After years of studying various types of traditional architecture in places like Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu and then learning that little work is done to observe the natural energy of the earth in modern Indian architecture, she took the plunge and founded Synergy Environics in 2007.
As mobile devices and technologies quickly became part of everyday life and unwittingly incorporated harmful radiation, Synergy Environics also developed solutions for artificial radiation. The only challenge that remained during the decades-long journey is to raise awareness of harmful radiation not only among the company’s customers but also among potential employees.
COVID19 helped to some extent as many began to appreciate wellness and immunity more than ever. As the company’s online B2C business rebounded and remote working became the norm, B2B business shrank. Manisha says the team used that time to focus on other initiatives and opportunities in the marketplace and developed a NAB-approved device disinfectant.
It wasn’t an easy-going journey for her, but she has come out stronger with every hurdle. Covid brought a lot of difficulties for her venture, but Manisha utilized even this to the betterment of synergy products. Focused on improving the environment with her small initiative, Manisha’s Synergy Environics is improving people’s life bit by bit every day.
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Masters in Political Science IGNOU