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This horoscope is based on the Moon sign. The zodiac sign in which the Moon was at the time of a person’s birth, is the same Moon sign. If your Dasha and Antardasha (Ruling planet’s Period) are auspicious, then it will become more auspicious for you. If the Dasha-Antardasha is of an inauspicious planet, then there will be a slight reduction in the auspicious effects. If you do not know the Moon sign, kindly read the horoscope with your name’s first alphabet.  

ARIES: (Ch, Che, Cho, La, Li, Le, Lo and A) 

The month starts with full zeal, and you will excel on the professional front. Be ready to receive appreciation from authorities if you are in a job. In business, you will also have an upper hand over any competitor. Finances may not be an issue to think about as the inflow will be fine. Systematic investments will be the demand of the month. Physically, you need to take care of gastric issues and tiredness, but emotionally and mentally, you will enjoy your health and outings with relatives and friends. For married people, give attention to your spouse this month and in the next month as well.

TAURUS: (Ei, U, O, Li, Vi, Ve, Va and Vo) 

The month is full of confidence and enjoyment in your professional sector, but don’t be overconfident, or you may face difficult times. A plan to change jobs should not be made or implemented this month. Be careful when dealing with government authorities in business matters after July 19th. Finances will also be fine and give you a reason to be happy. Past investments will be fruitful, and your comfort level will improve. Emotional health is not a matter of concern, whereas physical health needs attention throughout the month due to blood pressure and acidity issues. Personal relationships are a matter of concern. A lot of differences of opinion may affect the first week, but the situation will improve somewhat in the second week.

GEMINI: (K, Ki, Kee, Gh, Ch, Ke, KO)

The first half of the month requires special attention in the professional sector, whether you are in a job or business. Professional travel will exceed your expectations if you are in business, but it may not yield the desired results. Unexpected expenditures in the first half will completely disturb the preset budget; try to restrict some expenditures to avoid financial discomfort this month. In the second half, however, you may feel relief in several matters. Health will also be a concern this month. Try to avoid overthinking, as it may lead to sleeplessness. Relationships with family and your partner will both require soft communication; otherwise, you may find yourself in trouble and needing to clarify things frequently.

CANCER: (He, Hu, He, Ho, Da, De, Dee, Do)

If you have already planned a job change, it is prominently foreseen this month. You can also expect a fine position along with an increase in your authority and responsibilities. If you are in business, be ready to secure some new contracts or a fruitful association for the future. Finances will be a major source of happiness and satisfaction. Expenditures on household gadgets or luxuries are foreseen, or there may be expenditures related to celebrating at the location. Health, of course, needs your attention; increase your fluid intake throughout the month and monitor meal intervals in the second half to ensure there are no long gaps between meals. Personal life will also be good, yet some differences with your spouse may arise. In case of any issues, try to resolve them by communicating with each other.

LEO: (M, Me, Mi, Ma, Mo, T, Ti, Tee, Ta) 

The month requires special attention and a focused approach to your work, especially in the first half. Be careful when dealing with your superiors; if you need to address anything, it must be done in a very polite manner. In business, do not form new associations unless you know the person completely. Finances will be fine; try to spend money on your own needs only, instead of giving to others or spending for others. Health is another issue of concern; an expenditure on some check-ups and medication for either family members or yourself is foreseen. Personal relationships will also need your care and attention in the second half of the month. 

VIRGO: (To, P, Pe, Pi, Th, Pe, Pee, Po)

The month will be fine; you will enjoy your work and success. Support from superiors and good fortune will both be there. A change plan can be initiated as this and the coming months will bring positive changes and a promotion in your current position. Businessmen should be careful when forming associations. Finances may not be a concern this month, yet risky investments should be avoided. Health may need attention due to gastric, gynecological, and acidity issues in the second half of the month. Personal life should not be ignored; there may be numerous discussions between you and your partner, especially.

LIBRA: (R, Ri, Ro, Ho, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta)

The month is not favorable from a professional standpoint, despite your ability to convert crises into opportunities. If you are in a job, avoid unnecessary discussions with superiors and colleagues. In business, there may be situations of differences with old associates, and you might lose one of them. Finances will also require careful management; you may need to use some of your old savings for various reasons. Expenditure on travel or charity may also occur. Health is another area that needs attention in the first quarter of the month, whereas in the second quarter, you may feel more relaxed from a health perspective. Avoid heated discussions in personal relationships.

SCORPIO: (To, N, Ne, Ni, No, Ya, Yee, Yu) 

There may be disharmony at the work front, which could affect cooperation with coworkers and superiors. You should try to improve your work style; this will help you resolve issues at work. In business, ‘compromise’ is the word that must be adopted when dealing with associates and government authorities. The second half of the month will see improvement, and you will feel better too. Finances may be another concern in the first week. There will be an inflow, but you will not be able to control the expenditure. In the second half, an expenditure is foreseen on personal travel for various reasons. Health and family relationships also need your attention throughout the month. The only support and positive aspect is Jupiter’s transit, which will help balance the situations of disharmony in relationships.

SAGITTARIUS: (Ya, Yo, B, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Dha, Fa/Pha, Dha) 

The number of challenges at the work front will increase this month, and your killer instinct will match this increase. Don’t be hasty in making decisions out of overconfidence. Despite all this, consistency will be the major requirement in your efforts, whether in business or your job this month. You should also make some financial arrangements for various reasons. Some wasteful expenditures will also occur. The first half of the month requires special attention to health, especially stress management, which should be addressed either through meditation or some outings. The second half will be better. Personal relationships will be fine, and you can expect increased support from family members as long as you maintain soft communication; failing to do so will lead to disturbances in family relationships.

CAPRICORN: (Bho, J, Ji/Jee, Khi/Khee, Khe, Kho, G, Gi/Gee) 

The month starts with opportunities. If you plan to make a change, you can expect good offers this month or until the middle of next month, which will bring improvements to your position. If you are in business, you should be ready to welcome new associations, which will bring financial gains. A new subject can be added to your existing business. Financially, there will be an improvement over the previous position. An expenditure on family needs or an auspicious ceremony for the family is also indicated. Your plans to purchase a property can also be executed this month. Health will generally be fine, but you need to be cautious about eating outside. Personal relationships may need some attention. Occasionally, there may be differences resulting in a few days of stress.

AQUARIUS: (Gu, Gae, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Sai, So, D). 

The month of June is very important for you. Professionally, you will have the chance to exhibit your skills and receive appreciation. A promotion is also on the cards. If you are in business, you can expect an increase in your workload along with an inflow of money. Financially, you can expect high earnings, whether in a job or in business. Health, of course, requires some attention, particularly regarding emotions and negative thoughts. Personal relationships need attention, and on the family front, you may experience a lack of support from family members, including the younger ones.

PISCES: (Dee, Du, Th, Jh, Da, Dai, Cha, Chee)

Do not take a hasty or bold step, either in a job or in business. Your extra courage may inspire you to do so, but it could result in a difficult position in the first half of the month. However, there will be a slight change in your position. Your financial position will improve and it will be better than your previous one. You can expect to save a good amount or invest in a scheme that will bring profits in the future. Personal relationships will need special care throughout the entire month. Health will also be a matter of concern and should not be ignored under any circumstances. Your father or a fatherly figure will need your attention throughout the month.

Dr. Suman Sachdev is a certified Astrology and Vastu Consultant and has extensive experience in crafting horoscopes for renowned publications.
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