Monthly Forecast November– 2024      

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This forecast is based on the Moon sign, which is the zodiac sign where the Moon was positioned at the time of a person’s birth. If your Dasha and Antardasha (the ruling planet’s period) are auspicious, it will enhance the positive effects for you. However, if the Dasha-Antardasha is associated with an inauspicious planet, there may be a slight reduction in the positive effects. If you do not know your Moon sign, please read the horoscope based on the first letter of your name.

ARIES: (Ch, Che, Cho, La, Li, Le, Lo and A)  

Your simple efforts will turn into success in the second half of the period. You can also expect appreciation at work and an advantage over professional competitors, whether in business or employment. Finances will improve, and some repayment liabilities may be partially settled. Travel expenses are also likely. The first week of the month may bring attention and unnecessary anxiety, but the rest of the time, health should be fine, except for some acidity issues. Relationships will remain stable. In matters of love, it is important to give both space and trust to the relationship.

TAURUS: (Ei, U, O, Li, Vi, Ve, Va and Vo)    

This month may bring stress, whether in business or at work. Keeping up with time and situations may be challenging. Maintain your confidence if you truly want to overcome these difficulties. Finances may also be a concern in the first half of the month, but in the second half, Saturn will become favorable, improving your financial situation. Emotional and mental health will be significant issues during the first half of the month, so try not to feel discouraged. However, things will improve somewhat in the second half. Relationship issues with your partner may also arise in the first half, but Saturn will offer opportunities for travel and resolution in the second half.

GEMINI: (K, Ki, Kee, Gh, Ch, Ke, KO)    

The month will generally be fine, but a high level of confidence is essential. A change in job location is likely. For those in business, a new partnership may develop, and existing associates will also be cooperative. Finances will improve in the second half of the month, but careful handling is necessary. You may experience some acidity issues and a cough, so be cautious about eating out and monitor your weight. Family relationships may have some tension, and it’s important to address it with a gentle tone. Personal relationships, however, will remain stable. Remember, there is a fine line between self-respect and ego—it’s important to let go of the latter.

CANCER: (He, Hu, He, Ho, Da, De, Dee, Do)  

The first half of the month is not suitable for making important decisions, whether related to a job or business. Avoid being overly ambitious and try to proceed with patience in all matters. Finances may not be a major concern, and an unexpected gain is likely in the second half of the month. Your health will be good, but remember to stay consistent with your morning walks and avoid oily foods as much as possible. Relationships will be positive, bringing you joy and some fun moments with both your family and partner.

LEO: (M, Me, Mi, Ma, Mo, T, Ti, Tee, Ta)    

This month calls for careful and calculated decisions, both in your job and business. Avoid making hasty or independent choices, especially if you feel uncertain. In business, resources may be difficult to manage, and day-to-day expenses could be impacted. In your job, an unexpected expenditure may affect liquidity. Acidity might become a significant issue, so focus on consuming natural and fibrous foods this month and increase your intake of liquids. The relationship with your spouse will improve in the second half of the month, and any previous differences of opinion will be resolved.

VIRGO: (To, P, Pe, Pi, Th, Pe, Pee, Po)   

This month may urge you to make bold decisions without fully considering the pros and cons. Be cautious at work and avoid overconfidence. In the second half, stress levels may decrease slightly. Finances could become a concern, as despite recurring income, money may get stuck and cause stress. Health should be generally fine, except for some gastric issues and potential infections. It’s important to maintain a regular exercise routine to manage weight, which could become a major concern. Family and relationships with children will be stable, but your partner may need some explanations from you.

LIBRA: (R, Ri, Ro, Ho, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta) 

The month begins with anxiety and dilemmas, but your skills will be at their peak in the first half, especially in your job. In business, your abilities will bring significant profits, along with recognition and financial benefits. In the second half, the situation will turn in your favor at work, and finances will improve, alleviating any stress. Health should be fine, though some effort will be needed to manage weight. Increasing your liquid intake can help prevent acidity. Relationships will need attention in the first half, particularly with your spouse and younger family members, while Saturn is in retrograde.

SCORPIO: (To, N, Ne, Ni, No, Ya, Yee, Yu)    

This month will bring mixed results. In your job, previous differences of opinion will be resolved, allowing for peace and ease. In business, there may be differences in your partnership during the first half of the month, but you will find yourself in a favorable position in the second half. Finances should remain stable with a consistent inflow. However, business liabilities must be managed carefully to avoid any fines or penalties from the government. Health requires special attention this month, particularly for throat and nose infections. If you have any respiratory issues, they should not be ignored. Relationships may be challenging, both with your spouse and family members

SAGITTARIUS : (Ya, Yo, B, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Dha, Fa/Pha, Dha)    

The month begins with ease and comfort, and you will meet the expectations of your superiors effortlessly, but it’s important to remain cautious and avoid reacting impulsively. In business, avoid overconfidence when planning and executing strategies. Finances will be average, with some expenses expected, possibly related to travel or medical needs of family members. In business, ensure complete transparency in documentation to avoid any potential legal issues. Health will need your attention; be cautious when driving and mindful of your food intake. Any bacterial infection or minor injury may disrupt your routine for a few days. This month will test your patience in relationships, so handle matters with utmost care, or you risk putting one of your relationships at stake.

CAPRICORN: (Bho, J, Ji/Jee, Khi/Khee, Khe, Kho, G, Gi/Gee)    

This month will require a lot of energy to overcome obstacles that may arise frequently. In business, you may face difficulties resolving issues with government authorities. Finances will be average, and you might need to make some arrangements for constructive purposes. Avoid making significant investments in business expansion. Health will be a concern; maintaining a regular exercise routine is important to stay fit, and you must monitor your vehicle’s speedometer while driving. Keep an eye on your blood pressure as well. Maintaining a calm and stable relationship with your spouse or partner will be challenging, as differences of opinion may keep you occupied throughout the month.

AQUARIUS : (Gu, Gae, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Sai, So, D) 

Your constant efforts to achieve success and maintain momentum in your work will require a lot of energy. In business, the necessary resources will be available, and you can expect things to ease in the second half of the month. Avoid taking major financial risks. In your job, finances may not be a significant issue, and a gain from an asset might help reduce financial pressure. This month, health issues such as cough, gastric problems, and possible bacterial infections may arise, so take precautions. Be careful while driving and don’t ignore safety. Relationships may also be a concern, as the jealousy of close ones could affect your emotional well-being.

PISCES : (Dee, Du, Th, Jh, Da, Dai, Cha, Chee)

This month is filled with unnecessary stress from the beginning, but in the second half, all your past efforts will suddenly bear fruit. In professional partnerships, be cautious not to jeopardize them due to aggression. A change in position or job is likely for some of you. In business, your continuous efforts will yield positive results throughout the month. Finances will improve, boosting your confidence. However, joint or lower back pain may affect you, so be sure to maintain a good intake of vitamins and exercise regularly. Relationships will require your attention this month; despite the support of your spouse or partner, you may not feel completely satisfied. There may also be opportunities for family outings and functions. 

–Dr. Suman Sachdev is a certified Astrology and Vastu Consultant and has extensive experience in crafting horoscopes for renowned publications. Email   
