Monthly Forecast September– 2024    

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This transit result is based on the Moon sign, which is the zodiac sign where the Moon was located at the time of a person’s birth. If your Dasha and Antardasha (ruling planet’s period) are auspicious, this will enhance the favorable effects. However, if the Dasha-Antardasha involves an inauspicious planet, the positive effects may be somewhat diminished. If you do not know your Moon sign, you can read the horoscope corresponding to the first letter of your name. 

ARIES: (Ch, Che, Cho, La, Li, Le, Lo and A)

The month starts with a victory over various situations in the first half, including any competitors in business or at work. You handle every situation diplomatically. In the second half, you may still have planetary support, yet you could experience moments of unnecessary depression. Financially, there may be some stress in the first half, but the second half will ease the pressure. If you are in business, there may be uncertainty about recovering stuck money. Stomach ailments and issues with the digestive system could affect your health; adequate liquid intake is needed to avoid discomfort. Maintaining a cordial relationship with your spouse will be challenging in the first half, but the second half brings positive changes. 

TAURUS: (Ei, U, O, Li, Vi, Ve, Va and Vo)  

The month looks promising, and you will feel confident in every situation. Your skills and talents will find a platform for display. In business, you may engage in some manipulations that could raise questions, so proceed with caution. Finances will be average; there will be no stress in the second half, though the first half may present some issues. Health will be a concern in the second half, and temperamental fluctuations must be managed. Relationships are another area that needs attention. Soft communication is the only option to maintain cordial professional relationships, whether with your partner, family, or associates at work.  

GEMINI: (K, Ki, Kee, Gh, Ch, Ke, KO)

This month will bring additional responsibilities and increased working hours. Patience and a cool temperament are necessary. Those planning a change can expect opportunities for it, along with possible relocation. If you are in business, avoid unnecessary manipulation and keep the legal aspects of your actions in mind. Financial constraints may arise due to investments, so consider future prospects, whether in property or other assets. Temperamental health will be a major concern this month, potentially increasing acid and bile issues; therefore, proper food intake is crucial. In the first half, your relationships with your spouse and family members will be fine, but the second half may affect your domestic relationships.

CANCER: (He, Hu, He, Ho, Da, De, Dee, Do)

The month will be challenging for the professional sector, necessitating a change in strategy. If you are planning to change jobs, a decision can be made this month or by November. In business, ensure that all documents and financial obligations to the government are up to date. Resources may not be as good as expected. Finances will be okay; the inflow may increase despite professional discomfort. Health will be generally good, yet issues with acidity and eyesight need to be checked. Some differences on the family front will keep you busy pacifying situations in the first half, whereas the second half will bring a change in your position.

LEO (M, Me, Mi, Ma, Mo, T, Ti, Tee, Ta)  

The month requires special focus on your work, especially if you are employed. Handle your personal and professional issues separately and consider changing your working pattern. Ensure that all your actions are within the limits of the law to avoid any questions about your conduct or work. Finances may not be a significant issue but expect an improvement in cash flow. Health is another factor that needs attention throughout the month. Maintaining a cool head is the only precaution needed for sound health. Personal relationships will require special care, as even minor issues could escalate into ego clashes; keep this in mind.

VIRGO: (To, P, Pe, Pi, Th, Pe, Pee, Po) 

This month is typical for you, with some issues to sort out for others, and you will play an important role in resolving them. In business, new associations may not be fruitful; focus on what you already have. There will be no significant financial gain, but expenditures may disrupt your preset budget. The second half of the month may be a bit better. Health is a major issue, with both emotional and physical aspects needing attention. Joint pain and emotional fluctuations will occupy you with unnecessary thinking. Personal relationships will be okay, though some points may still need clarification. The mantra for this month is to keep a cool head.   

LIBRA: (R, Ri, Ro, Ho, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta)

The month starts with restlessness, and the first week will keep you occupied with several thoughts. There will be a need for compromise on the work front. If you are in business, be careful in your dealings, especially with government authorities. The rest of the month will pose fewer challenges. Finances will be fine; those working in MNCs can expect some good appreciation this month. Health is a major issue, especially gastric problems. Maintaining cordial relationships will require significant effort. Keeping relationships cordial with your children or childlike figures will be challenging

SCORPIO: (To, N, Ne, Ni, No, Ya, Yee, Yu)  

The month starts with full zeal, and you can expect appreciation and authority at work. In business, resources will increase, and you will be busy, involving yourself in new associations. Finances will be fine, with a possibility of unexpected gains in the second half. There may be a risk of bacterial infection or acidity, which could disrupt some working days. Relationships will generally bring peace, though differences with your children may affect you.

SAGITTARIUS: (Ya, Yo, B, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Dha, Fa/Pha, Dha)  

The month will leave you feeling over-energetic despite working long hours, which may be comfortable for you. Those in a job must be careful of their temperament and hasty behavior. The same applies to business; dealing with everyone calmly is the mantra. Finances will be fine for service personnel, whereas businessmen may feel a lot of pressure. Health requires proper care and healthy food intake. Some joint pains, especially in the knees, may need your attention. Personal relationships require significant attention from you, or disturbances may spoil a few of your days.

CAPRICORN: (Bho, J, Ji/Jee, Khi/Khee, Khe, Kho, G, Gi/Gee)  

The month is average in terms of your profession; you will need to exhibit your talent for converting crises into opportunities in the first half. In the second half, your logic will earn you appreciation. If you are in business, be logical, or you may miss some good opportunities. Finances will be fine, and some new sources of income may develop in the second half of the month. Expenditure may also increase due to some special journeys. Pay attention to health issues like acidity and joint pains; especially consider a check-up for Vitamin D. Personal relationships may display varying shades of positive and negative in the first and second halves, respectively.

AQUARIUS: (Gu, Gae, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Sai, So, D)

The month is average; some preset plans may change, and elevation can also be expected if you are employed. If in business, the slow pace may occasionally irritate you. Be soft in communication in any case. Finances will be fine, but some obstacles may arise in recovering your money if you are a businessman. The first half of the month requires special care for injuries or bacterial infections. In the second half of the month, you need to check your blood pressure regularly. Personal life will be fine despite differences; you and your partner will complement each other. The second half of the month may bring some stress in dealing with family members. 

PISCES: (Dee, Du, Th, Jh, Da, Dai, Cha, Chee)

The month looks promising from a professional standpoint. Some long-awaited plans may be implemented in business, although there may be some dilemmas. Finances will also be fine; Jupiter appears to bless you with a comfortable life this month. Some past savings may be used for constructive purposes. Health is a factor that needs attention in the first half, and some long journeys may also create tiredness. This month could be challenging for maintaining relationships, especially in the first half. The second half may be a bit better for relationships.

  –Dr. Suman Sachdev is a certified Astrology and Vastu Consultant and has extensive experience in crafting horoscopes for renowned publications. Email