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This transit result is based on the Moon sign, which is determined by the zodiac sign where the Moon was positioned at the time of a person’s birth. If your Dasha and Antardasha (the ruling planet’s period) are auspicious, the effects will be more favorable. However, if the Dasha-Antardasha pertains to an inauspicious planet, there may be a slight reduction in these positive effects. If you do not know your Moon sign, you can read the horoscope according to the first letter of your name.

In August, there will be a special planetary influence affecting everyone, as some planets will be in retrogression and others will change signs. Particular dates to be cautious are August 4th, 5th, and 19th. These will specifically affect the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Additionally, Aquarians will also face some issues, so people born under these signs should be especially vigilant.

ARIES: (Ch, Che, Cho, La, Li, Le, Lo and A) 

The month is favorable, and those who are employed can expect a new position. If you are planning to change jobs, the best time to initiate this move is in the second half of the month. Businesspeople can also expect new associations; however, it is important to weigh the pros and cons before accepting any business proposals. Finances will not be an issue throughout the month for either group. Health requires more attention, especially concerning bile issues and fatigue, which may be problematic on some days. Relationships are another area that needs your focus. Coping with children and childlike figures will be a significant task for you in the second half of the month.

TAURUS: (Ei, U, O, Li, Vi, Ve, Va and Vo) 

Professionally, you may find yourself in an indecisive state. At times, you may feel overly energetic, hopeful of implementing some of your long-awaited plans, especially if you are in business. Conversely, you might also feel the urge to escape from the situation. The same applies to jobs, so be mindful of your emotional fluctuations. Financial planning will go smoothly, and daily income is expected to increase if you are in business. If you have a job, you need to make a systematic plan for the entire month. There may be a need to arrange finances for constructive purposes. Regularly monitor any issues with anxiety and blood pressure. Relationships are the only area that must be managed with a cool temperament. Avoid adopting an appeasement policy. 

GEMINI: (K, Ki, Kee, Gh, Ch, Ke, KO)

This month is the time to make some important decisions right from the start. Your expectations from your job may be high, but you will make foresighted decisions. Be careful on the 4th, 5th, and 19th of August 2024, as you may make a bold decision. In business, working hours will increase, but the outcomes may not be as motivating. You may need to compromise at times. Finances should not be an issue; unexpected gains are anticipated, and those in a job will be able to save a decent amount. A few days of work may be disrupted due to infections or a minor injury. Avoid spicy food at all costs. Relationships need better understanding, or else one close relationship may disrupt your entire schedule and plans.

CANCER: (He, Hu, He, Ho, Da, De, Dee, Do)

This month requires significant changes in your working pattern, but you will be able to complete every responsibility efficiently and on time. The planets are favorably aligned for you. In business, you will need to make some financial arrangements to implement your plans, whereas those in jobs will spend money for constructive purposes, similar to Gemini. Do not invest in risky schemes under any circumstances. The digestive system may be a source of health issues, so a proper medical examination is necessary. Relationships will experience ups and downs with your partner, and in family matters, you will also need to take special care of these relationships.

LEO: (M, Me, Mi, Ma, Mo, T, Ti, Tee, Ta) 

This month requires special focus on your work if you are employed. Do not mix personal and professional issues. You may experience several undue fears. If you are in business, you should reconsider your plans and postpone any decisions regarding expansion if they are currently in process. Finances may also require special attention, despite an inflow of funds. If you have a job, be sure to monitor your expenditures closely; if possible, consider donating medicines or supporting those in need. Emotional health will be a significant concern throughout the month, with potential feelings of depression. Relationships on both the personal and family fronts are expected to remain as cordial as you anticipate. However, the health of your spouse will be a major concern that needs attention. 

VIRGO: (To, P, Pe, Pi, Th, Pe, Pee, Po)

The month begins with new plans to be implemented, and professional travel will be more prominent. Those who are employed should maintain a cool temperament, as this month will test their patience. Do not involve yourself in other people’s matters. Financially, the second half of the month may be challenging, and you might not be able to keep a complete check on expenditures. Health-wise, this month could be difficult, both physically and emotionally. Do not ignore any health issues, otherwise, you may end up taking medications continuously. Managing family and personal relationships will also be challenging.

LIBRA: (R, Ri, Ro, Ho, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta)

This month marks a time of change in your thought process, and the pace of your work will also accelerate. If you are in business, you can expect good profits from new associations and financial gains. The second half of the month will require updates and completion of documents. Those in jobs will need to complete their work on time. Finances will be another area to manage, with some expenditures foreseen on household comforts or jewelry. Health is not a major concern this month, except for some tiredness. However, the health of a family member or a close friend may require visits to the hospital. Relationships with your spouse and maternal relatives will need attention in the first half of the month, while the second half will bring smoothness.

SCORPIO: (To, N, Ne, Ni, No, Ya, Yee, Yu) 

The month is full of opportunities to seize; it is up to you whether you fully explore them or not. If you are in a job, you will become more passionate about your work. If you are in business, you will change your strategy to earn profits, although the profits may not be as high as expected. The harder you work to earn; the more benefits will be restricted. Despite all the positives, this month you will be occupied with unnecessary stress. If possible, try to start meditating and continue until November. Your relationship with your spouse will be good, whereas issues with a child-like figure may cause discomfort this month. You will need to provide them with understanding and deal with them psychologically.

SAGITTARIUS: (Ya, Yo, B, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Dha, Fa/Pha, Dha) 

This month will keep you occupied with enjoying good moments and receiving appreciation for your performance. If you are planning a change in your job, this process can also be initiated now. If you are in business, the first half may not look promising, but the second half will improve. Finances will improve, and you can expect an increment. However, one of your financial decisions in business may prove to be wrong, and you might regret it later. Avoid the policy of escapism and be confident in every situation. Acidity and bile issues may need attention. The relationship with your spouse will be fine, despite regular differences this month. Unmarried people should give special care and pamper their partners.

CAPRICORN: (Bho, J, Ji/Jee, Khi/Khee, Khe, Kho, G, Gi/Gee) 

The month starts with the stress of keeping pace and maintaining understanding with superiors, but the second half will be much better. In business, you must be very careful in your dealings. If possible, try to avoid dealing with new people unless you are fully aware of their background. Finances may not be a major source of stress, as income will be regular. You will be able to manage finances decently. In the third week of the month, you may experience an unexpected gain.

The first half of the month will bring unnecessary stress and uncertainties, while the second half will require your attention due to blood pressure and some allergy issues. Maintaining cordial relationships with spouses or subordinates on the professional front will be a task to manage smoothly. The second half will be much better for gaining their confidence or support.

AQUARIUS: (Gu, Gae, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Sai, So, D)

The month will have many ups and downs in both my job and business. The middle of the month will demand a lot of patience and control over situations, whether in business or on the job. You must be patient and avoid getting involved in others’ matters. This is a time to recognize that everyone has potential and the ability to handle their own challenges. Finances will not be a major issue. There will be some fluctuations, but nothing significant that could disrupt your planning. The first half of the month will be fine, but in the second half, health issues may disrupt a few days of work. Relationships are the one area that will continuously demand attention this month and until mid-November 2024. It is advised to be gentle in communication and, in case of any differences, you should be the one to initiate a resolution.

PISCES: (Dee, Du, Th, Jh, Da, Dai, Cha, Chee)

The month is particularly important for keeping pace with situations, and controlling everything will not always be within your capacity. At times, you may feel low and consider changing your job. In business, you should make intelligent moves and take only calculated risks. Avoid complicated methods to accomplish your tasks. Finances will be a major issue to deal with. If you are employed, you need to keep a check on your expenditures. In business, you must be careful to make repayments on time; otherwise, the consequences could be severe. The second half of the month will be comparatively better. Emotional health will require attention. Feelings of depression may occupy your thoughts. Try to spend time in the west direction to potentially sway results in your favor. Relationships are another area that will need careful attention throughout the month. In personal relationships, maintaining understanding will be a significant challenge. 

Dr. Suman Sachdev is a certified Astrology and Vastu Consultant and has extensive experience in crafting horoscopes for renowned publications.
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