Pakistan’s Response to UK Home Secretary’s Remarks on Pakistani Men

Image Source: Daily Hunt

The government of Pakistan has issued a warning regarding the potentially serious consequences of recent comments made by UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman regarding Pakistani men. The remarks, which were made during a conference on counterterrorism, were deemed to be offensive and derogatory towards Pakistani men and their culture.

In response, Pakistan’s foreign office summoned the British High Commissioner in Islamabad to register a formal protest against the comments. A statement from the foreign office read, “Such irresponsible and misleading statements have the potential to further escalate tensions, undermine trust between nations, and impede cooperation.”

The comments in question centered on the disproportionate number of Pakistani men involved in grooming gangs in the UK. While acknowledging the issue, many have criticized Braverman’s focus on the ethnicity of the perpetrators, arguing that it feeds into harmful stereotypes and stokes anti-Muslim sentiment.

The Pakistani government has called for an immediate retraction and apology from Braverman and has warned that failure to do so could damage diplomatic relations between the two countries. The government has also urged the UK to take a more nuanced approach to address the issue of grooming gangs, one that does not unfairly target any specific ethnic or religious group.

Staff Reporter