Priya Rajan: A Year of Transformations in Singara Chennai

Priya Rajan

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Chennai Mayor Priya Rajan celebrated her one-year anniversary in office, and her tenure has seen the city undergo major transformations. Rajan’s goal is to make Chief Minister M.K. Stalin’s “Singara Chennai” dream come true. She has brought new ideas and approaches to the position, and her hard work is paying off. Priya Rajan says her biggest challenge was learning the intricacies of the job, as she was new to the position. Her budget has focused on education, inspired by Stalin’s desire to make education and medicine the priorities of his government. She has introduced initiatives such as the Happy Class and evening snacks for government school children. Under the Singara Chennai 2.0 scheme, the corporation has allocated Rs 450 crore to construct roads throughout the city. This will be done gradually to avoid disrupting the city. The scheme also involves converting 28 parks into Sponge Parks and constructing a man- made a pond to save rainwater. The Murosoli Maran Park is the first step in this direction. The city will also get 17 new bridges. Priya Rajan has given high priority to cleanliness and hygiene, with the construction of bio-mining plants for waste management. The Greater Chennai Corporation is also converting government school classrooms into smart classrooms, with volunteers’ help.

Re-reported from the story originally published in One India