Priyanka Chopra Speaks “On breaking of the glass ceiling

Achievements of Priyanka Chopra
Image Courtesy : Harper’s Bazaar

A nugget of wisdom shared by Priyanka Chopra’s father found its way into the narrative – a questioning of the metaphorical glass slipper that constrained like Cinderella’s, when, in fact, the glass ceiling could be shattered. There existed a candid confession of not particularly favoring the phrase “breaking the glass ceiling.” Why? Because the simplification of accomplishments into a singular mission of breaking something was never the intent.

The journey embarked upon was not one of destruction but of chasing dreams, personal evolution, and the pursuit of becoming the best version in the face of every obstacle. The glass ceiling, an undeniable presence, cast its shadow over many lives, especially those of women and minorities – a barrier unacknowledged but deeply felt and defined by the Oxford Dictionary.

Despite reservations about the phrase, the discussion unfolded through shared experiences, with the hope of providing tools to live dreams without making breaking the glass ceiling the ultimate goal. The call was to aim higher, and the journey narrated involved consistently setting elevated standards at every stride.

Now, in the unfolding tale, 12 ways, inspired by lived experiences, were shared to guide one toward becoming the best version. Rule one: Embrace uniqueness; understand values, beliefs, and flaws – the essence of authenticity.

The narrative touched upon the hesitation to dream beyond imagination, driven by fear of change or excessive rigidity. Rule two: Allow dreams to soar. Embrace change and believe that everything needed to achieve dreams resides within.

The journey, it was emphasized, is ongoing; one never fully arrives. Exploration of new opportunities, nurturing ambition, and a steadfast refusal to settle for mediocrity defined rule three. Rule four encouraged being bold and embracing calculated risk surrounding oneself with the right people took center stage in rule eight.

In the age of social media, where opinions abound, the narrative underscored the reality that pleasing everyone all the time is an unattainable feat. Rule nine reminded that not everyone can be pleased, always. Rule ten emphasized maintaining a sense of humor, not taking oneself too seriously, and reveling in the joy of the journey.

S Rule eleven delved into the significance of giving back, being kind, compassionate, and embracing one’s humanity. Rule twelve closed the chapter by urging never to forget one’s roots, as they define the essence.

Hoping that these guiding principles resonated, offering a fresh perspective as the new year unfolded. The call echoed to be fierce, be fearless, and unapologetically embrace one’s flaws. As Shobha stood before all, weathered by life but radiantly content, the narrative concluded with the promise of being ready to accomplish much more.

Repurposed from NDTV