Breaking Boundaries: A Mother and Her Daughters-Trailblazing Indian Dance Company

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In a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, the Ramaswamy family has given birth to Ragamala Bharatanatyam, a pioneering Indian dance company that has captivated audiences worldwide. Founded by the talented mother-daughter trio, Ranee, Aparna, and Ashwini Ramaswamy, Ragamala has redefined the boundaries of Bharatanatyam, infusing it with contemporary elements while honoring its deep-rooted cultural heritage.

Born and raised in Chennai, India, Ranee Ramaswamy was immersed in the rich tapestry of Bharatanatyam from an early age. She honed her skills under eminent gurus and performed as a soloist across India. When Ranee moved to the United States, she carried with her a deep reverence for the art form. Seeking to preserve and promote Bharatanatyam, she found herself sharing her passion with her two talented daughters, Aparna and Ashwini.

Inspired by their mother’s dedication, Aparna and Ashwini embraced Bharatanatyam wholeheartedly. However, they were also influenced by their experiences growing up in America. Together, they envisioned a dance company that would fuse the timeless beauty of Bharatanatyam with the contemporary world. This unique vision led to the birth of Ragamala Bharatanatyam, where traditional repertoire was infused with modern narratives, music, and choreography.

Ragamala Bharatanatyam swiftly gained recognition for its ground-breaking performances. The mother-daughter team collaborated with acclaimed musicians, composers, and choreographers from around the globe, pushing the boundaries of Bharatanatyam even further. By embracing diverse perspectives and exploring interdisciplinary collaborations, they created a captivating and transformative experience for audiences.

Through their innovative approach, Ragamala Bharatanatyam has not only introduced Bharatanatyam to a wider audience but also inspired a new generation of artists. Their dedication to preserving the tradition while nurturing innovation has earned them prestigious accolades and critical acclaim. The Ramaswamy family’s legacy will continue to shape the future of Indian classical dance, as they pass down their passion and expertise to the next generation of artists.

Re-reported from the story originally published in NPR