Sanaa Moussa’s Enchanting Performance in Amman

Image Credit: 7eNews

The Palestinian artist, Sanaa Moussa, captivated audiences in Amman with her two consecutive concerts at the Al-Shams Theater. Due to high demand, organizers arranged a second performance after the conclusion of the first one.

Sanaa opened her concert with melodies reminiscent of traditional songs that were once sung by fishermen to motivate themselves while out at sea. These songs are part of her latest album, “From the Memory of the Palestinian Coast,” which features seven tracks, including “Fishermen.” The song pays tribute to the fishermen who relied on the sea for their livelihood, spending countless days and weeks from Ras al-Naqab to Umm al-Rashrash in search of fish.

Speaking to the Jordanian News Agency (Petra), Sanaa expressed her sense of belonging when performing in Amman, emphasizing the deep connection between Palestine and Jordan. She described both nations as “two lungs in one body,” representing the shared humanity and affection between Jordanians and Palestinians.

Sanaa conveyed her gratitude to the Jordanian audience, noting that their warmth and support resembled the reception she received when performing in Palestinian cities. The overwhelming demand for her concert in Amman led to the addition of a second performance on the same day to accommodate the enthusiastic audience.

During each concert, lasting an hour and a half, Sanaa delighted the crowd with well-known songs such as “Talat Al-Baroodah,” “And Her Eyes,” “Ya Maryam,” “Najma al-Subh,” “O You Rising to the Mountain,” “Ya Nazlin Al Bahr,” “Mandili,” and “A Al Rozana.” She also featured songs from her latest album, including “Andak Bahriya,” presented in its authentic Palestinian folkloric style. Sanaa concluded the concert with a medley of Jordanian heritage and folklore songs, including “We Went Down to the Garden,” “Oh Khayal Al-Zarqa,” and “Where is Ramallah?”

Re-reported from the article originally published in 7eNews