SheSight Contest Winners – June 2024

We’re excited to announce the results of our June recipe contest, where we invited our readers to share their best snack ideas for children. The response was impressive, with many of you submitting creative and nutritious recipes that appeal to young taste buds.

After careful consideration, we’re pleased to announce our winners:

  1. Alka Ranjan with her Flatbread Flakes (Roti Poha)
  2. Roshni with her Pinwheel Savory Pastry (Pinwheel Samosa)
  3. Usha Kommuru with her Nutritious Mixed Snack (Nutritious Bhel)

These talented individuals stood out with their innovative approach to combining nutrition and flavor in child-friendly snacks. Their recipes demonstrated a keen understanding of children’s preferences.

In celebration of World Environment Day on June 5th, SheSight Magazine hosted an inspiring drawing contest throughout the month of June, inviting young artists to share their vision for a greener future.

The response from our young talents was overwhelming, showcasing creativity and passion for our planet. Our young artists impressed us with their vibrant illustrations depicting environmental themes. From lush forests to clean oceans, their artwork vividly captured the importance of preserving our natural world.

We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to all participants. Thank you to everyone who took part. Your enthusiasm for the environment gives us hope and motivation to continue our efforts in promoting a greener, cleaner world.

Keep creating, keep caring, and keep inspiring change!

-Staff Reporter