Shila Dawre: India’s first female auto driver defies odds

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In a time when women were expected to marry and settle down, Shila Dawre chose a different path. She became India’s first female auto-rickshaw driver, breaking stereotypes and inspiring many. Leaving her home with just Rs 12, she headed to Pune with big dreams.

Dawre’s story is about defying expectations. In the 1980s, driving was seen as a man’s job, but she didn’t let that stop her. Despite facing skepticism and opposition, she bravely drove through the streets of Pune, challenging the idea that certain jobs were only for men.

Growing up in the 1980s, Dawre knew she wanted more than the traditional route. At 18, she left her home with little money and headed to Pune to pursue her dream. But it wasn’t easy. People couldn’t imagine a woman driving an auto-rickshaw back then. Despite facing doubts and obstacles, she refused to give up.

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Dawre’s journey wasn’t just about breaking barriers for herself. She wanted to inspire other women to follow their dreams, no matter how unconventional. Despite facing hunger, insults, and nights spent in her rickshaw, she persevered. Her determination paid off, and she even earned a spot in the Limca Book of Records.

Throughout her journey, Dawre found support from her family. Together, they built a successful business. Despite facing financial troubles and betrayal, she never gave up. She rose again, establishing her own business and reclaiming her success.

Today, Shila Dawre isn’t just India’s first female auto-rickshaw driver; she’s a symbol of empowerment. Her story shows that with determination and courage, anyone can overcome societal norms and achieve their dreams. She’s not just driving a vehicle; she’s driving change.

Repurposed article originally published in She The People