Shruti Tandon: IIT Madras Scholar Wins Prestigious Fellowship

Recognizing Excellence in Aerospace

Recently, IIT Madras proudly announced on their LinkedIn page that research scholar Sruthi Tandon has been awarded the prestigious Amelia Earhart Fellowship. Granted by Zonta International, this esteemed recognition honors the top women in the aerospace sector. Each year, only 30 women worldwide receive this fellowship. Sruthi is one of three women from India to be honored this year.

Shruti, who aspires to be a academician, has researched various topics like thermoacoustic systems, the universality of oscillatory instabilities in fluid mechanical systems, and particle-laden flows among other topics.

Academic Brilliance and Research Focus

Sruthi Tandon has an impressive academic background. She holds a dual degree (BTech and MTech) in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Madras, where she achieved a stellar CGPA of 9.58. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD, focusing on a complex systems approach to study turbulent flows. Specifically, her research addresses combustion instability in rocket and gas turbine engines. This issue is critical as it impacts the operational margins of these systems.

To date, Sruthi has published seven research papers in peer-reviewed journals. Many of these have been cited by other scholars. Her doctoral research is supported by the Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF), which provides her with a stipend. Reflecting on her journey to winning the fellowship, Sruthi shared, “My guide informed me about the scholarship and encouraged me to apply. The application process required numerous documents, including an enrollment form, a research statement, and a CV with my publications.”

Journey and Challenges in Research

Driven by her passion for Physics, Shruti’s dedication to research began early. Due to her strong academic record at IIT, she bypassed the GATE exam, allowing her direct entry into the PhD program. When addressing the challenges of research, Shruti said, “The struggle to find something new is inherent in research. True researchers must embrace uncertainty.” She emphasized the importance of diverse perspectives in STEM. “Research requires creativity and new ideas, and women’s involvement brings fresh perspectives.”

Mentorship and Support

Shruti acknowledged her guide as her role model. She appreciates his supportive mentorship and collaborative approach to research. The announcement of Shruti Tandon’s Amelia Earhart Fellowship has sparked enthusiasm in both academic and professional communities. Tesca Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a tech sector company, praised her accomplishment. They stated, “Kudos to Shruti Tandon for being awarded the Amelia Earhart Fellowship! Her accomplishments in aerospace engineering are remarkable.”

Industry Praise and Encouragement

Many in the field have also expressed their admiration. Deepthi Samineni, a professional in the industry, shared her congratulations. “Your remarkable achievements in the aerospace industry are truly inspiring and are paving the way for future women in STEM. Keep soaring high!” These reactions highlight the significance of Shruti’s achievement. They also underscore its potential impact on inspiring more women to pursue careers in aerospace and other STEM fields.

With all these achievements, we wish Shruti Tandon all the very best in her future endeavors

Here is the Link for the LinkedIn post