Tesla VP Sreela Venkata Ratnam Steps Down After 11 Years: A Journey of Growth and Transformation

Image credit: LinkedIn.

Sreela Venkata Ratnam, Tesla’s Vice President of Finance and Business Operations, has announced her resignation after an impressive 11-year tenure with the company. Reflecting on her experience, she described working at Tesla as “not for the faint of heart,” a sentiment that resonates with many who have navigated Elon Musk’s firm’s fast-paced and demanding environment. Venkataratnam’s departure is part of a broader wave of high-level exits at Tesla, raising concerns about the company’s work culture.

Venkata Ratnam joined Tesla in 2013 when the company was still in its early stages, with annual revenues of less than $1 billion. During her time there, she witnessed Tesla’s meteoric rise, contributing to its growth into a global powerhouse with nearly $100 billion in annual revenues and a market cap that reached $1 trillion during the pandemic. Her strategic role saw her involved in the launch of key Tesla models, including the Model S, Model X, Model 3, and Model Y, as well as the development of the company’s energy products​.

She wrote on LinkedIn, “After 11 incredible years, I bid farewell to Tesla. Reflecting on this journey, it has been nothing short of extraordinary.” She expressed her pride at the company’s growth during that time to become the $700 billion colossus it is today.

Her departure adds to the ongoing narrative of executive exits at Tesla, where several senior leaders have left in recent years, citing the demanding nature of the job. This trend has sparked discussions about the sustainability of Tesla’s work culture under Elon Musk’s leadership and the pressure it places on employees.

As Tesla continues to expand and innovate, the company faces the challenge of maintaining its fast-paced growth while addressing concerns about the impact of its work environment on employee well-being​.

Sushmita Chowdhary, Staff Reporter.