Top 3 Questions Pregnant Women Should Ask If They Feel Unheard by Their OB/GYN

Pregnancy Support
Image Credit : Noa Sterling, M.D., FACOG / TikTok

TikTok OB/GYN Urges Pregnant Women to Advocate for Themselves

During pregnancy, heightened anxiety often leads individuals to document every concern they face. A common frustration arises when doctors dismiss these concerns as “normal.”

Dr. Noa Sterling, an OB/GYN on TikTok, aims to empower pregnant individuals to assert themselves when feeling unheard by their doctors. She emphasizes that dismissing concerns can contribute to maternal mortality, with a notable impact on Black women who may face higher rates of not being listened to.

In a TikTok video responding to a pregnant woman’s vent about her doctor’s nonchalant responses, Dr. Sterling provides three crucial questions for pregnant people to ask when told that their symptoms are “normal”:

  1. What about my situation tells you that this is not something serious and not something I need to be concerned about?
  2. What should I be looking for that might indicate that this is a more serious symptom?
  3. I am glad that you think this isn’t something serious. However, I would like to do something about this symptom. What do you suggest?

Dr. Sterling’s advice stems from a genuine concern for patient well-being, emphasizing that the dismissal of concerns contributes to maternal mortality.

The article highlights the importance of self-advocacy, encouraging pregnant individuals to question their healthcare providers and seek more information when concerns arise. Additionally, TikTok users in the comments share tips, such as requesting doctors to document in medical records if certain tests are not ordered.

Pregnancy is acknowledged as a period where anxiety can escalate, and the article notes the challenge of receiving a “normal” response to unusual symptoms. Dr. Sterling encourages women to speak up, amplify their voices, and seek alternative medical opinions if necessary.

Repurposed article originally published in Scary Mommy