True Work Life Balance Should be Measured Over Time, Not Daily.

We’ve all been there.
The constant juggle of work tasks and personal life, trying to ensure that every single day is perfectly balanced.
But what if we’ve been looking at it all wrong?
Here is the thing.
The idea of achieving a perfect True Work-Life Balance every day is not only daunting but often unrealistic.
Some days are naturally more work-intensive, while others might be filled with personal commitments.
Instead of stressing over daily perfection, why not consider considering the broader picture? Think in terms of weeks or even months.
There might be days where work takes precedence, but there will also be days where you can fully immerse yourself in personal pursuits!
Like weekends or holiday season, when we all like to relax and focus on ourselves and our families.
I love this approach because it not only lifts the pressure of daily balance but also provides flexibility.
It allows you to prioritize based on the ebb and flow of both your professional and personal life. Which happens all the time!
Remember, life isn’t about ticking off boxes every single day.
It’s about overall fulfillment and happiness.
And sometimes, that means looking at balance over a longer timeframe.
Here is a small step you can start taking from NOW.
Next week, instead of planning your days individually, plan your entire week.
Assuming that your work week ends on a Friday (Mine doesn’t. For me it’s Saturday 😉), keep aside some time in your calendar for scheduling the next week.
Allocate specific days or half-days for work-intensive tasks and others for personal rejuvenation.
At the end of the week, reflect on how this approach made you feel in terms of balance and fulfillment, and take it forward from there. Often it’s how you feel that dictates how successful a strategy would be.
Trust me, if you have been trying to balance every single day, it can be a game-changer.
For instance, I keep aside Tuesdays and Thursdays for client work. Monday is the personal growth day and I even walk longer that day (also because I need to burn off the calories I consumed over the weekend!)